Johnny Worthington,
Johnny is one of the students at monsters university who was a popular monster that people can’t messed around as he uses his buff use.
Role: Support
Position: Mid
Trial Team: Yellow
Quote: “I’ll take it from here gentlemen, Johnny Worthington President of Roar Omega Roar”
Basic Attack: Johnny Punches or claw the Enemies
Entrance: Johnny crawls into the battlefield
Victory: Johnny Cross his hands gently
Defeat: Johnny Shock as he still standing
WHITE: Strong Roar
Fantastic Damage
As Johnny gets close to the enemies, he starts to use a huge roar that makes dealing Y damage as he Silence the them for 12 second.
GREEN: “Cute-Ma’ Kappa”
Fantastic Damage
When Johnny pulls the rope down it makes all the party kits fall down into the enemies that will stayed frozen for 6 seconds as it blinded
BLUE: No Fear Of Monsters
Johnny shield his allies from protecting 1340 while that his basic attack can be into fast speed for 5 seconds
PURPLE: “Toughing Monster”
As “Omega Roar” gets in more speed the enemies makes into slowness for 7 seconds while he gets more energy of speediness
Johnny Worthington/Randall
Parties For Losers
Boost “Omega Roar”
Allies: Sulley & Boo, Gaston, Goliath
- +X Skill Power
- “Can’t Mess With Monster” now slows enemies attack by 16%
- “Cute-Ma’ Kappa” blinded all enemies for X Seconds
Johnny Worthington/Flynn Rider
Boost “Can’t Mess With Monster”
Allies: Violet, Mike Wazowski, Jasmine
- “Omega Roar” Stunned and Attack Speed increased
- +X Armor
- +X Skill Powety