Presidential vote

…this could actually be fun

You know what…count me in

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3 people are campaigning! We only need 2 more now. I cant wait.

@C-train @KayIa @Thorn_The_Evil_Cat_Overlord Maybe while we wait you guys might have any speeches you want to share on how to improve the forums?

Interesting, but I’m not good as a leader

That’s okay! You still have the right to vote.

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Heads up people…@Kira has something to say

I dont get the joke😂

Interesting :-).

Whether or not this end up affecting the forum or not we will have to see on, but either way the potential roleplaying part of the election process could be interesting :-).

Wasn’t that much if a big thing though that I said ;^^.

And of wondering I prefer the advisory type if role over President, but no I rather not join :-). (Have way too many interests already).

I have a short speech ready!!

If I become forum president I would bring in new badge icons for more variety…im joking that’s not gonna happen anytime soon

But seriously…for one, i would help new concept makers improve their concepts so they can be better in the future and improve their craft

Another thing I would do to improve the forums is just to be a peacemaker between conflicts you know…to try and fix situations the best I can without becoming too angry.

Clapping emoji time everyone!

(Ten c)

:clap: :clap: :clap:

@thorn_the_evil_cat_overlord @KayIa do you have a speech?

Still wondering if anyone else is willing to participate. If you would like to please inform me!

Well here I go. As president I will make sure that everyone will be comfortable in the forums and if anyone needs help I will be there to help as best as I can.

And if anyone does something inappropriate here I will also do my best too prevent it from happening more.

I think that is all I have to say. :smile_cat:

I’m not interested in running for president, but cabinet member could be fun. Give me a call if you want me to write you a speech or something. :grin:


The first cabinet member! Who would like @Champion_David to be a member of there cabinet?

(If you dont now what a cabinet is I can explain it)

Please tell me I forgot :sweat_smile:

Oh, actually I meant I’d work for any and all, really. :man_shrugging:

(Cuz I’m not sure who would win and I wanna win with the winner XD)


Okay. The winner will chose there cabinet members but I can have a guaranteed spot if you like.

A cabinet is when a president chooses more people to basically form a team. It’s hard to explain.

Googles answer was:
The Cabinet consists of politicians who are aided by a body of civil servants. Decision-making is not confined to the Cabinet; Cabinet Committees can play an important role in deliberations.

Me too, honestly. We still need 2 more people to begin the voting.

Confidence. I like it.

The president chooses their cabinet members to work alongside him/her.

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