Prince Charming Concept (Likely)

Prince Charming (Cinderella, 1950)

Prince Charming may act bored on the battlefield, but it’s just a way to discourage the enemy creeps. He’s really just waiting for his one true love.

“I don’t even know your name, how will I find you?”

Stars: :star:

Type: Midline Support

Trials Team: Blue Team

Entrance: Prince Charming walks in stiffly, then bows slightly.

Victory: Prince Charming bows stiffly.

Defeat: Prince Charming is taken aback.


Basic Attack:
See passive.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Ball For All”
Passive: At the start of battle the player chooses an ally for Prince Charming to court, Linking to them for the rest of the battle. While the battle is on auto, Prince Charming chooses the ally with the most Skill Power at the time of the Link activation. For his basic attack Prince Charming bows, healing himself and his Linked ally for 10% of their max health.

Active: Prince Charming bows gracefully to his Linked ally, cleansing himself and his Linked ally, healing himself and his Linked ally for X health, and granting his Linked ally X skill power for 16 seconds. If Prince Charming doesn’t have a Linked ally when he uses this skill the player chooses a new ally for Prince Charming to court. If the battle is on auto, Prince Charming chooses the ally with the most Skill Power. Prince Charming then courts the newly Linked ally, applying all the effects of the skill to them.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Non-Stop Search”
Prince Charming presents a shining glass slipper, Distracting and Silencing all enemies for 8 seconds. Prince Charming and his Linked ally take 25% reduced damage for 8 seconds. If Prince Charming doesn’t have a Linked ally when he uses this skill he instead takes 50% reduced damage for 8 seconds. This skill can be used once every 10 seconds.

Silence has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Quite The Bore”
Prince Charming yawns, decreasing the Armor and Reality of all enemies by X and decreasing the Attack Speed of the three nearest enemies by 75% for 10 seconds. Prince Charming’s Linked ally’s Attack Speed is increased by 75% for 10 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “No Interest”
Upon entering each wave and after selecting Prince Charming’s Linked ally, every enemy with a lower base Skill Power than Prince Charming’s Linked ally loses X Skill Power for 12 seconds. Prince Charming gains +200 energy per enemy he successfully inflicts with Skill Power decrease from this skill.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Sharing Royal Grace”
“Non-Stop Search” now grants Prince Charming’s Linked ally X Armor and Reality for 12 seconds. If Prince Charming doesn’t have a Linked ally when this skill triggers he instead gains X [Note: This X is 2x the first X value] Armor and Reality.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X Armor

  • +Y “Ball For All” healing

  • +Z “No Interest” Skill Power Decrease


Prince Charming and Cinderella: So This Is Love

Speed up Prince Charming’s Linked ally

Disk Power

  • +X “Ball For All” healing

  • +Y “Ball For All” Skill Power increase


  • Prince Charming’s Linked ally has their Attack Speed and Movement Speed increased by 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% for the first 16 seconds of each wave

Allies: Tiana, Fairy Godmother, Flower

Prince Charming and Prince Florian: In Agony

Sap enemies with low Skill Power

Disk Power

  • +X Skill Power to Prince Charming and all allies

  • +Y “Ball For All” Skill Power increase


  • “No Interest” also Saps the any enemy affected with Skill Power decrease for 8/9/10/11/12 seconds

  • Skill Power Decrease with “No Interest” now lasts for the remainder of the wave

Allies: Aladdin, Prince Phillip, Robin Hood


Nice concept! :+1::+1:


Great concept :+1:

1 Like

Nice Concept!


Wow! So cool! Love this concept!

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