Prince john character concept

Prince john is a :star: control hero

Quote:“this crown gives me a feeling of power!! POWER! Forgive me a cruel chuckle, heh-heh-heh”

Description:this cruel prince steals energy from enemies and hides behind his allies when he needs to

Basic attack:uses a sword hidden in his robe

Entrance:his rhyno guards carry him in on his throne and he gets off

Victory:chuckles evily

Defeat:falls to the floor and throws a tantrum


White:get him!!!

Prince john calls in a rhyno guard to charge at enemies which damages them for x amount and stuns them for x seconds.

Green:steal from the poor

Prince john steals x amount of energy from a random enemy.


When under x health, prince john hides behind his allies which turns him invisible for x seconds and heals him overtime.

Purple:power and money

Prince john gains a attack power boost when using his “steal from the poor” skill.


Prince john/robin hood
Wrong crown

Prince johns attack speed increases when he turns invisible.

Prince john/the beast
Princes of different natures

Prince johns skill power increases by 25% every third basic attack


Mommy! Sucking on my thumb*

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