Prize Wall Feedback

As I’ve said before, we’re testing new rewards in the Prize Wall to see how retention does. You can read all my previous comments on it as I will have nothing new to say in response.

Basicly, we just gotta ignore this hero if we want the rewards to change. If that is how it is, so be it :man_shrugging:


Bring back the tokens they were more useful


Thank you for adding resources but the issue is we cannot get the prizes within the prize wall without tokens. So you may have inadvertently given us less rewards by limiting how far we can take the prize wall board without spending $$$$.


If it ain’t broke let’s “fix it” and if it is broke it’s fixed… seems the mantra. Need more ying with Yang… not Yang tipping scales for ying or visa versa.

More resources are always welcome but same time you take more away or require more to do things so really is a complete wash. Like others said… just looking for balance instead of “buy this deal or else don’t progress” economy.

This prize wall way could work with non-hero prize wall tokens might work if was just one row to try and figure out… but feel the opportunity for less resources could win wouldn’t work either.


I did like it with all prize wall chips because I was able to get all heroes to 6 stars in 3 to 4 days

Hands down the best part of the prize wall for me are the badge booster chests. All these other resource prizes meant very little. Less tokens means less crates. Usually I got to at least prize wall round 30 so I got my fair share of badge boosters. So definitely a BIG letdown with this change.
And more stamina to get to y0? Sounds nice, but we all know levels and resources are exponential. Unless it’s help to get to between y5 and y10 now, yellow alone is a bit behind the times.

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No amount of tokens breaks the economy. Not with giving 650 diamond crates in indiv.contests and 200 in guild contests. If you talk badge crates or cosmetic crates there… again, how? If you explain it, I might actually believe it - otherwise I have no explanation for such speech other than not allowing players enjoy the game a bit more.

Also, can be please the diamond crates in hero quests (the 10x items) substituted for… literally anything? Compared to even those aforementioned 200, 60 is just a dishonor.

Moreover, why are the hero quests tied to the player´s team level? Shouldn´t all parts of the game be changed to scale upon max level of server? Otherwise, you are just widening the gap between old and new and you can make new servers to hallelujah - it just won´t work.


I’ll be honest with you I don’t have any of my heroes in Yellow or higher but I will get someone to yellow once I get above 6 thousand

I have to ask, does “Breaking the game economy” mean that players actually have a fun time being able to keep up with 15 characters at once?
We need 15 characters minimum wise to participate in Coliseum and Guild Wars optimally afterall.

I know it isn’t meant like that, but Disney Heroes is a struggle to keep up with, especially if one doesn’t know how to grind efficiently.

So yeah…, while not meant rude I am wondering on what is going on in terms of the aspect of making sure players have a fun and good time in the game.


As far as them looking at retention, I think this is going to be a either a painful one or a good one. You’re going to have to be on the ball with all your quests if you want to 6 star Pacha this time. Conversely, the fact we finally have a good tank after months of waiting may motivate people. A real shame a prize wall hero worth going for ended up in the worst prize wall to date…

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I fully understand your responses Loutre but can you see my point that newer players have no shot at token rewards? We have several in our guild under level 150 and yet to get their first reds… that makes them essentially unable to get any tokens outside of dailies. They are not happy…and I can see why. The prize wall characters were their one shot at beginning to be competitive… OK- I’ll shut up now…

Take with a pile of salt - this is just my opinion.

I think redoing the hero quests over and over and over… is kinda just trying to bring some business result. Because… uh, I feel like gradually the retention will just go lower as the time goes on - and the factor is not that people consider PW a piece of…, but rather that people are slowly less caring about the game.

Prize Wall isn´t a universe on its own. Just like IRL one aspect of the game is affecting all the others, and with Prize Wall there are about 14 (if not more) such aspects that affect the retention.


also not meant rudely, and I agree that players are often currently not - but if the data shows that players are spending more money, why should PB care what kind of time they are having?

it’s sad but it’s true :sob:

They should care as the less good time people have the more likely they are to leave, which means less money potential in the long term.

That’s something PerBlue doesn’t seem to take into account.


Could we get guaranteed Cosmetic Crates back instead of pathetic Diamond Crates, @Loutre? even if there are just 3, it´s better than having none, considering (as I expected) they got deleted from last tier of PW Hero Quests.


Sorry but it has been broken since … Forever :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:with all due respect, stop being delusional

How on earth is that a bad thing? Or do I simply miss something here? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Getting a free Yellow hero AND 5k diamond is such bliss


I think there will be huge difference in opinion between old and new servers. Getting a good new hero to yellow is great in new server - almost useful at high level straight away.

Getting yellow hero on S1 isn’t nearly as useful. For S1 getting enough stamina to get to yellow is like getting enough stamina to get a hero to orange on new server

I absolutely love this Prize Wall. What I’ve always enjoyed most is the resources I can flexibly spend on any hero I like, while for me the hero specific things are bonus.

And having enough Stamina and Gold as a free to play user is usually a real struggle, so these new rewards come as a god send to me.

Thanks PerBlue! :grin:


Yeah this exactly

We don’t even actually get less tokens (but they are in later quests so they are harder to reach for new players)

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