Purple 1 stronger than Purple 2

I find it illogical that Purple 1 has more purple badges than Purple 2.

Merida for example only has 1 purple badge at Purple 2 and 3 purple badges at Purple 1.

She is significantly stronger at Purple 1. Massive oversight by the developers

…but how? All the statuses from the badges are absorbed when promoted?

Maybe you thought like that cause of the RNG thing or something. Some top players delay promotion. Stronger heroes = stronger damage = giving opponents energy faster which probably leads to defeat cause they break out their white skills faster

They are not absorbed, they disappear upon promotion

Say what…?

Well wth then. This is news to me

Edit: then can you explain then anyone who used remote lawnmower or flubber gained tenacity?? Or how heroes gain normal/ fantastic crit? What doesn’t absorb are the enhancements of badges. And that’s probably what makes them weaker upon promotion

They all don’t. Take jessie for example, she has the exact same tenacity at purple 0 that she does at purple1 without enhancement. If she absorbed stats, it would be higher due to having a badge that grants it at purple 0

Also, base stats will always increase or stay the same, So I’d assume he means once badges are equipped. In this case many are stronger at a lower rarity. Buzz is a good example of this, at p2 he has much more basic damage than he does at p3 because of his badges

I’m 100% certain Jessie’s tenacity at p0 was 60 and p1 is 90 (current level). I know this because I kept checking, back when Jessie was my favorite. I got excited about putting another remote lawnmower to her thinking she’ll be even more effective.

There’s absolutely no reason for a promoted hero to be weaker than the previous rank. That’s just stupid

But if what you say is true, then I might as well skip a color level by preparing all the badges in advance.

Jessie stats

both 90 at p0 and p1. You’re thinking of blue2 to purple0

And it does’t apply to all. Each character is a different case based on what badges they have

Oh sorry I meant that. But that doesn’t disprove my point that stats such as tenacity doesn’t absorb upon promotion. Of course p0 and p1 Jessie will have the same tenacity she doesn’t have any badges at p1 that grants her one

From the data you’ve given, everything seems to be improving for her. But give me a second to check on buzz

As I said above, when he’s talking about being weaker, he means once badges are equipped

Also its not exactly “weaker”. its that some heroes are better in certain stats at lower rarity

Yes and it’s because due to enhancements of the badges. That’s what I was talking about. This guy says Merida is weaker at P2 probably cause her enhanced badges at P1 is much better than her weaker badges at P2. I took a look at buzz and you were right. His basic damage is weaker at P3 but that’s if you take enhanced badges at P2 into account. His base basic damage remains the same at P2 vs P3. But because when he’s promoted to P3, that extra basic damage due to enhanced badges at P2 is undone. Because we all know, enhancements in badges does not carry over after promotion.

The data does say those cyan numbers are from enhanced badges

Yea, but if you look at the first post, he’s talking about power including the badges. He didn’t specify enhanced, but if he is seeing weaker power then he must be including it. Merida is similar to Buzz in that she loses a good amount of basic damage, thus weaker when attacking

It IS possible for a hero to be stronger at P1 than on P2, why?


When you promote, stats from items are absorbed, but stats raised by enhancement ARE NOT

That being said, a hero with more purple badges at P1, could have a greater enhancement potential than in P2, if at P2 it has less pruple items. Of course, this isnt common.

Another thing to care about is how far have you enhanced. Wehn you promoted ONLY A PART of your investments for enhancing are returned as SD cards. Thus, many people prefer to keep their fully enhanced items, rather than promoting and having to invest the huge amount needed to fully enhance again. If you enhance at every promotion, you are wasting resources.

Merida is a good example of this, as stated above.

To clarify:

At P1 I completely enhanced all but 1 of Meridas Badges and achieved a power level of 7200.

Once i received the last badge, i instantly promoted her and she dropped in power to 6700. I once again attained and enhance all of her badges except 1 (her 1 purple badge) and she only reached a power level of 6950.

7200 at P1 with max enhancements on 5 badges
6950 at P2 with max enhancements on 5 badges

This is solely due to the quality of badges at P1 compared with P2.
P2 needs more purple badges

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