Queen of Sweaters!

Happy Birthday!!!
(Quoting Frosty the snowman, not insulting you by saying it’s your birthday.)

Pretty good first concept!

This needs a variable.

Also needs a variable.

Since this is for Imagineer’s contest, I guess you can edit your concept after.

? what variables?

I forgot that this is for Imagineer’s contest, I think that the concept will count as it was when you posted it, before I gave you feedback or idk

Reflect may fail if the ally is above level X
and same in the red skill but with blind, freeze, crit chance etc.

A variable, like you put in your other skills.

Here, you put X, which is the variable. You must have a variable for each skill. X, Y, or Z are mostly used.


Yes, also, this is less necessary but it still helps

These could use capital letters to look more organized and detailed. I definitely agree with the other points made here though.

Thank you all for the comments, I think I answered every one!

Always happy to help :slight_smile:

How do you become a regular except being on a lot?

Here’s how you become a regular.

Here´s the link of that page

Thanks, I don’t think I’ll be one anytime soon, but I’ll get there. Thanks for your help, rooting for all of you in the contest!

Don’t let being a newer member stop you from trying. I mean, I’ve only been on the forums since November and I became a Regular after only about 2 months! You can do it!


Same as Myeong, I became one in less than two months. I lost it a few days ago, but hopefully it won’t take me that long to get it back.

But yeah, we look forward to seeing you around the forums more! Keep creating concepts also, you’ll get good at them and we’ll be sure to help you out. :+1:


I agree! I’ve been on the forums since September, and got my Regular sometime October. Anyone can be a Regular! And keep making concepts, this one was quite good, and I’m sure you can get better!

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