Queen of Sweaters!


Description: Mabel Pines struts into battle with cute friend waddles by her side to spread love and cuteness to the world!

Role: Support

Stars: :star2:

Trial team: Yellow


Basic attack: Mabel shoots a rhinestone at enemies through her Bedazzling gun

Entrance: Mabel cartwheels in, waddles strutting behind.

Victory: Throws waddles in the air

Defeat: tears up and plops on the ground


White: Smile Dip Rush:
Mabel consumes a packet of Fun-dip boosting allies attack speed by X, after finishing she throws the empty packet at the enemies reducing their reality by X

Green: Pig Model
Mabel and waddles glitch can into their friend sweaters healing allies and charming enemies for 7 seconds. Charm may fail on enemies above level X, or business suits sapping all of enemies X much
(Sap may fail on enemies above level X)

Blue: Hamster Ball
Mabel opens up a box of Hamster balls giving her and the ally with the lowest HP a shield that lasts 12 seconds and has X HP

Purple: Super Shiny
Every 6th time Mabel uses her basic attack she shoots a Rhinestone at the frontmost ally, granting them reflect for 7 seconds.
May fail on allies above level X

Red skill: Sweater Change
Mabel will enter the battlefield and she will have different sweaters each time she enters. These sweaters will apply certain debuffs or disadvantages to her enemies or buffs to allies while using her basic attack.
Debuffs may fail on enemies above level X

Mushroom sweater: Stuns enemies for 7 seconds
Llama sweater: Attack buff for all allies - 10 seconds
Clover sweater: Gives allies better chance of Crits
Glowing star sweater: Blinds enemies - 8 seconds
Butterfly sweater: Better chance for ally dodge
Umbrella sweater: Adds Fatigue to enemies
Penguin sweater: Freezes enemies - 5 seconds
Shooting star sweater: Boosts allies speed - 10 seconds

X evasion granted after using “Super shiny” to all allies
X heal to shielded allies when using Hamster Ball
X more HP granted in Pig Model


Campaign name: Lets talk business
Disk: Dollar with pig on it
Buff: Hamster ball now also removes debuffs from shielded people
Disk power: X armor to mabel and allies
Story: Hamm sees Waddles in his business suit and wants to talk money with him, as Mabel tries explaining that waddles doesn’t participate in stuff like that, they encounter some creeps.
Allies: Aladdin, Quora, King Louie

Campaign name: City Makeover
Disk: Rainbow can of paint
Buff: Charmed enemies forfeit energy to Mabel’s allies
Disk power: X reality to allies when using Smile dip
(Give energy gained to Mabel and allies instead of getting it themselves)
Story: Mabel and Rapunzel realize that the city is too dark and creepy for their taste so they decide to beautify, making enemies with creeps along the way.
Allies: Kermit, Flynn, Honey Lemon


Might wanna remove one of these images :upside_down_face:

There we go!

This is my first concept; Please give me advice and Criticism to make it better. :relaxed:

Business outfit!
b20d9a190d15af6221a44ca5d5eced41 !


That’s cute and funny

What about the concept itself?

Well it’s really cool they should add her hashtag gravity falls

Anything I should change?

No it’s perfect man

I have feedback

I would put the little lines between the skills like this one

you can make them putting 3 asterisks together like this: * * * but without the spaces, it looks cleaner

Here I would put a blockquote, you just have to select the text and click this button
Captura de pantalla (651)_LI

This is how it looks

and this is how it looks when you add this three buttons
Captura de pantalla (653)_LI

How muxh time?

What´s the percentage and how much time?


how much time?



This is the name of the campaign?


I don´t understand this, also what happens when you add other stars?

What happens when you add other stars?

and in both disks you are missing the disk power

This is really good for a first concept, good job!

(but you can´t change a lot of things after submitting for Imagineer contest, except the little lines and the blockquotes)
Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for the feedback Rino, it is very appreciated. How is that?

Also your concepts rally really good, I love the one on Auto!

Now is much better but I still have some small notes

You should put Buff in the first one and disk power in the second one, just a little mistake
Same in the other friendship

The additional stat boost in red skills are always 3, also

this sounds more like a disk power on a friendship, Stat boost are like:
+X max HP
+X reality
+X armor
+X evasion
+X tenacity
+X heal to “skill name”
+X damage to “skill name”

That´s all, you´ll improve with time and become better concept maker, if you need more help you can check A Guide to Making Character Concepts, you also can create your own concept preview PM (is a PM where you post your concepts before posting them, soyo have feedback before it´s realized)

Thanks! :grin:

Thank you, I’ll fix those.

I think that’s better :relieved:

How 'bout now?

When I said this

I meant this
Buff: Charmed enemies forfeit energy to Mabel’s allies.
Disk power: reality to allies when using Smile dip
I meant swapping buff and disk power
same in the other friendship.
That´s all.

:rofl: can’t believe I made that mistake! Thank you for being patient with me!

Don´t worry, I´m always to help :slightly_smiling_face:

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