Randall boggs is a tank hero
Quote:“thats the last time i lose to you, Sullivan!!”
Basic attack:swings his head
Entrance:comes in through a door
Victory:manaically chuckles
Defeat:falls on his face
White:sneak around
Randall turns himself invisible for x seconds which makes him untargetable.
Green:scream compacter
Randall uses his scream compacter to steal energy from a foe and ko’s him/her under x damage.
Blue:sneak and scare
After turning visable, randall scares a enemy which crits fantastic damage against that enemy
Purple:top monster
Randall gains a attack speed boost when turning invisible.
College years
Randalls “scream constracter” skill now slows enemies near the targeted enemy
Sneak peek
Randall’s basic attack gains 25% more power when invisible