Description Raya comes to the battlefield to find the last dragon stone
Trail Yellow
Entrance see green skill
Victory Raya victoriously smiles as she places her sword on her arm
Defeat Raya kneels on leg in defeat
Quote if we don’t stop and learn to trust one another again it’s only a matter of time before we tear each other apart
Role Control
Position Midline
Sailing with Moana
Raya goes sailing with Moana to find the last dragon Sisu who comes to life on statue before everyone else find the last dragon
Allies Judy Hoops Joy Woody
Disk name a wary sense of trust
Disk effect Tuk Tuk and Roll shows
Training with Mulan
Raya goes training with Mulan to find her dragon friend Mushu who gets lost they must find him
Allies disgust Jasmine Kermit the frog
Faith in royalty
Disk control allies get bonuses
White skill Raya unsheathes her sword and starts and to slash to slash at every enemy for 6 seconds dealing X damage and removes all shields if she crits an enemy, she gains 80 energy and when she supercrits an enemy, she gains 100 energy. The amount of energy gained from crits and superscript is less effective when Raya crits an enemy above level X.
Green skill Tuk Tuk and Roll Raya rolls in with Tuk Tuk at start of each wave dealing X damage to every enemy and pushing the frontmost enemy to backline. Raya can’t be targeted when using this skill.
Damage Normal
Blue skill Sword Whip Raya targets the farthest enemy and grabs them with her whip sword she then pulls them to the frontline and swings her sword, stunning them for 9 seconds.
Purple skill For the first 10 seconds of battle, Raya usespecially her basic attack on the most wanted enemy. The enemy. Dealing the most damage is automatically given the most wanted status.
Red skill Princess of heart Raya will gain a shield of X HP every time she crits an enemy. Also, everytime Raya uses Sword whip, the damage from whiplash is increased by X.