Refresh Skills of Sarah Sanderson

Sarah Sanderson, beside with Snow White, is my favorite Hero, but her skills is kind of weakling and boring. That because she doesn’t have the power of healing herself, unlike her big sisters who have all the powers enough to keep them alive in the game, like Healing, Charming, Distracting,…

So, I decided to fix her own skills.


:white_circle: White Skill - Enchanted Melody
Passive: Billy fights alongside Sarah and starts combat with X Max HP, X Armor, and X Reality. Billy’s Basic Attacks Heal him for HP. Sarah’s Basic Attacks deal an additional Fantastic Damage. If Sarah is KO’d, Billy is also KO’d.

Active: Sarah sings, Distracting enemies near Billy and forcing them to attack him for 10 seconds. If a Distracted enemy hit Sarah, the Distract is then replaced by a Charm. Charmed enemies deal Fantastic Damage. Billy listens to Sarah’s singing and Heals for HP.

:green_circle: Green Skill - Billy Fright
Sarah directs Billy to Scare enemies near him. Enemies take Fantastic Damage and are Scared for 8 seconds, healing Sarah for HP.

Enemies Scared from any source deal Reduced Damage to Billy.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill - Heads Off
When Billy reaches 5% of his Max HP, his head pops off. After he finds it again he Heals back to full HP, deals an additional damage with his basic attacks, gains 50% Attack Speed for 10 seconds, and is able to fight again.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill - Amok!
When Billy has his head, 50% of the damage Sarah takes is redirected to Billy instead. When Billy takes damage in this way, he takes 45% less damage.

:red_circle: Red Skill - Take Thee Away
Sarah’s Basic Attacks have a 30% chance to apply either Sap, Scare, Charm, or Silence randomly for 6 seconds. When Sarah uses “Enchanted Melody” she instructs Billy to move towards the furthest enemy.

Enemies nearby Billy are Cursed while he has his head. Billy heals every second when enemies near him are Scared.

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I love my Sarah. I had to heavily invest resources into her which is fine because i love this character. That being said i still find she is quite situational. Something of a back tank if you can build her defenses up. I think her disk that slows enemies is underrated because it slows people who approach like angel and bolt. When Billy loses his head enemies come in closer then when his head is back they immediately are slowed so its kinda like a little trap. I find paring her with Pooh for additional slow and heals help. Finnick with his slow damage disk is nice too. But i agree. She needs healing and a lot of resources to be situational. But i still love her and i love your refresh ideas. Snow white might also be a good pairing for her because the blind will make her and billy harder to hit and Snow offers healing as her basic attack. Also having someone else who can actually trigger fear or shatter would be useful. Thank you for your post!

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