(my question) is it possible to implement a removal of other guildmate’s merch heros.
(my reason) since in guild’s some players abuse the system by posting heros with high lvl and rarity but with low skill lvl. and tbh it’s not fair for users who have everything upgraded since the system is so flawed anyone with a decent lvl hero can gain a decent amount of gold without putting any work in skill lvl.
ex: good guildmate posts a hero with everything upgraded at lvl 50 with purple and it’s 5,000 tokens but the bad player posts the same lvl 50 with purple but with only lvl 1 in skill him/ her will still get the same tokens
that reason alone i think this should be implemented in guilds but i think only champs or leader can remove so it won’t be abused. and no im not saying removal of just any merch like if you have lvl 80 with lvl 70 or 60 skills thats fine, but anything like lvl 80 with only lvl 8 skill lvl or lower is horrible. (im sorry for the long post.) edit i meant to put guild tokens instead of gold