Return the Slab! (Unlikely Concept)

Name: King Ramses

King Ramses

Quote: “This night, you will be visited by three plagues, each worse than the last…”

Description: King Ramses haunts the battlefield with his dreadful plagues. Enemies better beware, or suffer his curse.

Role: Tank

Position: Back

Team: Red

Stars: :star: :star: :star:

Basic Attack: See Passive in Skill #1

Victory: He stands silent and waves.

Defeat: He shrugs and disappears.

Skill #1: Locust Swarm

King Ramses increases his Attack Speed by 65% for 12 seconds and also performs a different effect depending on the plague he uses.

Locusts: King Ramses deals up to X Damage to all enemies and steals X basic damage and gives it to himself for 13 seconds.

Flood: King Ramses sends out a flood and decreases enemies’ Armor and Reality by 75% for 14 seconds. This effect is locked until he unlocks “Flooding Waters”.

Damage Type: :fist: Normal Damage

Green Skill: Flooding Waters

10 seconds after the wave starts, King Ramses sends out a flood and passes through all enemies, dealing X damage to them. He increases his Armor by X for the rest of the wave and gains 75% attack speed for 12 seconds. He also unlocks a new effect on “Locust Swarm”.

Damage Type: :sparkles: Fantastic Damage

Blue Skill: Painful Melody

King Ramses pulls out a phonograph and plays a melody for the enemies. Enemies hit by this skill become silenced for 15 seconds and lose 65% attack speed for the duration.

The slows from this skill have a chance to fail if enemies are level X.

Purple Skill: Suffer my Curse!

King Ramses’ skills Basic Attacks deal X Bonus True Damage and he gains 60% Attack Speed and Movement Speed when he has 500 or more Energy.

Red Skill: Oh, Come on!

KR Skill #5

Every 2 Basic Attacks, King Ramses gains X Armor up to a max of X Armor.

Each enemy is Cursed once per wave for 15 seconds when they reach 20% of their Max HP. Reviving does not clear this Curse

The Curse has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

Battle Badge:

Is Charged When: Slow is Applied to 3 enemies

+X Skill Power
+X Basic Damage per Red Team Hero
+40 Tenacity


King Ramses/Jafar

Disk Name: Don’t Bug Me

Campaign Title: Secrets of the Golden Scarab

Description: Jafar and King Ramses race against time to see if they can find a golden scarab that is very powerful.

Allies: Ariel, Drakken, Jasmine

Basic Attack Removes Buffs

+X Reality
+X Basic Damage

  • King Ramses now removes up to 1 (+1 buff per star) buff with each hit from his basic attack every 10 (-2 basic attacks per star)

King Ramses/ Papa Ignacious

Disk Name: Looking Bright

Campaign Title: The Future looks Bright

Description: Papa Ignacious finds a special pair of glasses that allow him to find beautiful treasures unseen in the city. King Ramses thinks Papa Ignacious stole one of his treasures, and is currently hunting him down.

Allies: Pocahontas, Dash, Russell & Kevin

Improved Plague Effects

+X Armor
+X Basic Damage to King Ramses and Allies

  • King Ramses plagues now either perform the following effects depending on which plague he uses:

  • Enemies become stunned for 2 (+2 seconds per star) seconds; (Locusts Only)

  • Enemies become drained for 2 (+2 seconds per star);] seconds; Drained enemies take 35% of their basic damage as Normal damage towards themselves.

What disk do you work on?
  • Jafar
  • Ignacious

0 voters

What tier do you rank this hero in?
  • S-Tier
  • A-Tier
  • B-Tier
  • C-Tier
  • D-Tier

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What do you think about this concept? Let me know in the comments below.

This character gave me nightmares as a child


Mfw Loutre actually comments on a concept: :flushed:


I look at everything


No surprise. Courage is a very disturbing cartoon show.


Loutre is Roz confirmed


What did you think about this concept, now that you’ve read it?

I think it´s good. Never heard of her before though :sweat_smile:

He is from Courage the Cowardly Dog, specifically the episode “King Ramses Curse”.

Eustace: What’s your offer?


Return the slab!

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