Rex is broken, DOUBLE DAMAGE?!

I was running math tonight on his attacks. I learned: Numbers have no ranges, its either X or Y damage depending on if its a crit or not. Only basics can crit. and other obvious stuff people should know. The bad news is: Woody disk is broken. If he has no allies he gets a huge damage buff.

My test subject was:
BOGO level 85 mr inc 2 star disk.

My results:

Basic Attack: 7815 damage v shield, 3606 vs no shield. (4209 difference)
Headbutt: 11890 shield, 6657 no shield (5233 difference)
Scream: 6636 shield, 1132 no shield (5504 difference)

These numbers are sensible. Both mike and woody disk do this perfectly. 6114 is the expected difference minus reality of course, which I’m not doing that math since the numbers were consistent.


When Rex has no teammates (ever) his woody disk appears to apply to him on his white skill charge only.

With Woody Disk:
Charge: 18591 vs shield, 10174 vs no shield

Without Woody (or With Mike)
Charge: 9295 vs shield or 5087 no shield

Thats a difference of… well its exactly double damage for both. Why double damage? I Decided to add a teammate to rex and test the numbers again. THE RESULT IS AMAZING.

With Woody Disk and a teammate:
Charge: 9295 vs shield or 5087 no shield.

Dead or alive, his numbers go back to that. Boring No Disk or Mike Disk numbers. Sensible numbers.

Why is rex solo dealing double damage vs shields with white skill on woody disk? WHY?! There is no modifiers that would double it. There is no reason for this. I like this, but i see no point.

His base damage on charge is 7391 at 95 as reference.

Please consider adding to woody’s disk “deals double damage with charge if only hero on team” - This information actually would make surge with him easier to solo than to have a support teammate!

I tried this myself and didn’t get the double damage. However in my experience any attack can crit so I that’s the most likely explanation for you result.

I might have missed something that you did so best would be to provide screenshot of the damage.


Any basic attack can crit. Any skill cannot.

I’ve lost my test subject because perblue doesn’t let you keep messages to people overnight apparently so I’m going to have to find someone with a bogo that can tank a rex.

Second edit: deleted initial photos added because it was stupid bad and hard to tell what was happening. too many variables. Trying to find the guy I was testing everything with last night for consistent numbers. I ran the test about 30 minutes so unless every hit on woody disk crit and every hit on mike didn’t there shouldn’t be that discrepancy. (Hit with both shield and non shield x 5 times on each woody disk, mike disk, and no disk with same results.)

Two different disks, damage numbers shown. Consistent.

The one with a star is a crit, hence the double damage.

These two are with Mike disc

Then real bug is woody disk has 100 percent crit chance and Mike has zero. Because I ran the test about fifty times each.

Didn’t ran it that much, so can’t say anything about that. But it’s an interesting find.

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