Roadmap Updates

What about Electric Green?!!

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A bit surprised we didn’t have a Final Vote like between 2 or 3 options for the next rank, like so it would be easier to see what the actual majority wanted.

25%-ish isn’t that much even if still 1/4, it is a fair amount less than half of the votes so I think a Final Vote would be good.

That said if going with the glowy Green I hope it is called Neon or Emerald :-).


yeah, this is where such voting systems fall down
 various governments use the same for their democratic voting and I find it a bit silly. Like, ok it got the most votes, but 75% of people (a huge majority) voted for something else :man_shrugging:

I prefer votes where an actual majority is required to declare a winner


Well, for the governments they have alliances with other parties to get 50% typically, buy yeah that probably doesn’t work here for the color vote.

Anyway, not sure if PerBlue feels like they can’t turn back on the Toxicity Vote now given that if having a Final Vote it would be more natural if it was a bit earlier when around the time the actual vote was.

I think many people aren’t comfortable with the name Toxicity including us, I think regardless I would have preferred an actual Final Vote to show what the majority want by having to choose between 2 options. (Don’t mind 3, but yeah wouldn’t show the majority in the same way).

Beside the voted color is basically Green 2 and I am a bit worried based on UX aspects as in User Experience, especially for those that aren’t got at differentiating colors or are color blind if that affects them.
I don’t think the neon type glow is kind to the eyes either and especially for photosensitive people, so it is something to think about from the UX aspect as well. (Photosensitive person myself).

I am not sure if Samm will reply to us when they are back on, but we can hope.

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It was mentioned in the poll as well, but, “Toxic” just a placeholder name.


Which many, including me, hope that it will change

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@Samm will the roadmap follow a 2 week update schedule similar to previously or will it be more ad hoc?


No regular schedule for now. I’ve been meaning to get to it, other stuff has just kept coming up. I will prioritize it for this week.




What was the point


It is really something we did look forward to when it was regularly on a Monday
So would be great if it can be same time every week but understand if not


It isn’t really just about the name “Toxicity”, it is about UX issues as I mentioned.

And I am being honest, as a photosensitive/light sensitive person I am not sure if I can upgrade my characters to Neon(“Toxicity”) without risking my brain getting irritated as a light sensitive person.
While it is true I can likely endure it as it isn’t like a flashing light, but it will likely be an irritation on my brain.

And yes, when Zeus and Maleficient’s light flash attacks activates I have to cover my hand over the screen or close my eyes, something I have to do as a light sensitive person.

But yeah, in general I think you at PerBlue have kind of cornered yourself in, by that that I mean if the neon green doesn’t end up being named Toxicity players who voted Toxicity will be disappointed if not angry as they specifically voted for the neon green color due to the name Toxicity.

I suspect there might be some miscommunication in regards to this, it might be good to have another vote, for example calling the neon green actually Neon and see how that goes.
Then that would actually truly gauge how much people want the neon green color without the association of the name toxicity.

Of course it is you at PerBlue’s choice, but yeah figure I highlight the dilemma here as I think it should be discussed internally some at PerBlue if not already done.

That said I hope it is going good for you all at PerBlue these days :-).


Youre trying to make them listen to us

Which has very rarely happened before

We talk and discuss something like this, flag the issues and nothing is done
Fast forward three months, everyone is up in arms because they didn’t listen and now it is a mess to clean up.

History just keeps repeating , and this will definitely not be the exception


Well, the UX angle is something else than just “please change the name, I feel uncomfortable with it”, for for example me it is actually about light sensitivity UX wise.

But yeah, I hope PerBlue are willing to change view if it benefit the game in the long run, being open minded about solutions if needed.

Not sating they aren’t open minded, but it is true that PerBlue aren’t that transparent with us players typically.
It is what it is though, it is PerBlue’s choice how transparent they want to be.

That said, thanks for starting up the Roadmap again Samm, good transparency ^^.



Please say this is permanent. @Samm


Really hope so too!!

And hopefully the supply crates will be updated next


I haven’t checked them for months
But pretty sure they look better than last time I saw them, it definitely wasn’t 200 hero chips and that many crates.
Still bad though.


Getting to Tier 100 looks really really great. Don’t really understand why it wasn’t mentioned in a Patch notes (cause I would bolster such a great chance), but yeah hope it is permanent.


Amazing, because we get 3 mods instead of 1. All other rewards are small though. We need more mod upgrades!


These are not intentional changes. We’re working to get this fixed.

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i mean
 no one’s complaining if you wana keep it :(

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