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I don’t know how EU will affect affect Disney Heroes or game companies in general so it is hard to say what will exactly happen.

But yeah, it is something to keep in mind that EU/Europe might crack down on Loot Boxes and Microtransactions eventually.


where the chance is 0.0001% the bans are justified…


But then my three step approach would be less admin and much easier

Funny how they were able ti fix it so quickly, yet other things take 5 years to fix

Also funny how suddenly no responses from Samm…
Which I get they are just the middleman, but it once again just urks wanting to keep playing


a relatively unknown small board in the UK recently blocked the entire Microsoft takeover of Activision, so don’t underestimate the power things like these potential regulations (loot boxes) have over games companies, even if they claim to be able to skirt around them


not that I really care…

but I have one bet that is already won…

the dev team won’t be able to keep all modes successfully updated before the game dies… be it anytime


Apparently Invasion is now back to max 65 and only the one who were lucky enough to hit soon could benefit of the extra 35 tiers. Are you planning to give the missing rewards to everybody?


So far it seems like a no.


If they were planning on giving the additional rewards to other players, they wouldn’t have prioritized reverting them back to the old, out-of-date rewards.

My guess is that this issue won’t get addressed beyond possibly a perfunctory “sorry for the confusion, those tiers weren’t supposed to be offered”, and while I could hope that it’s a sign that the tiers and rewards will be expanded in the future, I’m not optimistic about it.



Well, would you be so kind working on fixing Mei’s skills, Powerline’s skills, and Quasimodo’s animations?

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That’s disappointing too. YOU’RE FIRED, ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

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Keep in mind that Samm are likely just following the higher ups orders likely, so it is likely the higher ups’s decisions that’s to criticize, not really Samm themselves.

But yeah, I get the frustration with PerBlue overall.

Still, unless you want to get flagged you may want to edit those two comments.
Up to you, just thought I give a heads-up.

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Nah it’s fine I’ll keep them. Might do me a favour and ban me so I don’t have a choice to play this game again.


Ah, but just for to ask for context for PerBlue, are you a Spender?

Asking due to that it will highlight that Spenders leave if treated badly over a long time, as such losing revenue potential for PerBlue.

No worries if private though :-).

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Yeah I spend normally buy the update deal I have 2 main accounts spend on both. Like I have said in previous post I have been working all day noticed the invasion on my break. Thought that’s nice we got a special anniversary invasion I’ll do that when I get home. Get home and reset. Not sure when but I’m guessing quite a few people took advantage of those 100 tiers. Wouldn’t take long in a too guild to get the mama bot up and everyone hitting it 2 time to get max tiers

I just don’t understand why they changed it the rewards were not broken. Just leave it let everyone have a chance of getting all the tiers


Good for you

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I see and yeah, does goes to show that Spenders do leave eventually if treated badly over a long time.

The thing is, players are humans who have lives of their own, their life isn’t about playing Disney Heroes.
As players aren’t money-bots, players are humans with real life lives.

And beside these days we are in an economically decline period, so people may not have as much to spend on games, their real life lives have to take priority.

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Didn’t make sense

Sent you a message in the Discord server as I think it might be best to continue there.

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Due to all the bugs, and who cares. The game is never ending, so there would be more Anniversaries.

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