Rock solid plan


Bio: The Cragster digs there way into battle with some rock solid plans.

Position: Mid

Role: Damage

Star: 3

Team: Red

Quote: “Get under it, GET UNDER IT!”

Basic attack: Krader punches an enemy

White skill, Incoming huge boulder (:sparkles:): Krader pulls out a cubit to max with Seismo and Shuff. Once max, it turns into a boulder and roll across enemies, dealing X damage.

Green skill, Ground Pound (:fist:): Shuff smashes to the ground repeatedly to all enemies, dealing X damage and stunning them.

Stuns has a chance to fail above level X.

Blue skill, Stunning Stomp (:sparkles:): Seismo stomps on the nearby enemies, dealing X damage, and stunning them for 3 seconds.

Purple skill, Rock solid plan: The Cragsters try to think of a perfect plan, increasing their basic attack.

Red skill, Greatest Dig dig: When reach to 1 hp, The Cragsters becomes invisible for 8 seconds, gaining X basic attack, and X% of reality.

This has a chance to fail above level X.

+X Armor
+X Skill power
+X Damage from “Stunning Stomp”

Entrance: Comes up from underground to their position.

Victory: Krader pulls out a cubit, and max with Shuff and Seismo, and does a dance.

Defeat: Seismo repeatedly stomps the ground so hard that the ground opens up, and all of them falls down.


Cragsters and Ralph

Tough Rock

Shorter Cooldown

Allies: Tron, Vanellope, Captain Hook

Cragsters and Shank

Rock on

Invulnerable enemies gains slows

Allies: Rafiki, Gaston, Tigger

  • They are based upon the element of earth, stone or rock.

  • They are not very intelligent, for they only speak simple words and have bad grammar (speaking in third person). However, they are very cunning.

  • Krader is seen being injured the most out all of the Mixels: his buttocks were once burnt by a heated toilet that he was about to use, the Electroids once took Krader and constantly electrocuted him, and he once Murped with Flain, and then uncontrollably burnt himself while Murping. The same Murp also caused him to burn a hole through their snow half-pipe and freeze himself.

  • Seismo digs with his feet by stomping the ground rapidly, destroying any dirt in his path.

  • Seismo is voiced by the same actor who also voiced Spongebob.

  • For some reason, Shuff has tan pieces hidden inside him in LEGO, though the other Cragsters don’t use tan.

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Hope you guys enjoy it. I was fixing to do more Mixels through out the series from Series 1 to 9. I want to finish them as I can, so I could do the characters that I haven’t done before

Did you ever play the game “Calling All Mixels!”?

I used to on my Android phone

Awesome. I played it until Apple took it off…

I know right. Sadly, I don’t have an Android phone, but I’ll be able to get a new one.

There might be more Mixels coming soon depending on the abilities they have cause I want to get every Mixels as I can

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Did you done concept on the electroids? From the name they must have electric based abilties

No I haven’t, but I might work on them next, besides from Spikels, Glorp Corp, Fang Gang, and Infernites.

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