Roger, Roger. It’s the B1 Battle Droid

B1 Battle Droid

Description: What the B1 Battle Droid lacks in creative thought and tactics, it makes up for with overwhelming firepower, and strength in numbers.

Quote: “Roger, Roger”

Position: Middle

Role: Damage

Stars: :star2:

Team: Red


Entrance: The B1 unit is deployed from an armored MTT

Victory: Other b1 units spawn around the main unit

Defeat: The B1 battle droid gets disabled by a Droid popper

Basic attack: the B1 shoots enemies with his E-5 Blaster Rifle


White Skill: B1 Barrage

Normal Damage

Passive: The B1 Battle Droid Starts every Battle with 1 hp. He cannot be healed above this value and cannot gain bonus health from any source. In addition, the B1 battle droid cannot crit and cannot have an active shield. The B1 battle droid is immune to all damage over time effects. The B1 also starts the battle with 100 stacks of Droid Battalion. The B1 can have a max of 100 stacks of Droid Battalion. When the B1 Battle Droid takes damage, he consumes 8 stacks of Droid Battalion to cancel that damage. The B1 Battle Droid gains 3 stacks of Droid Battalion every 2 seconds. Droid Battalion Cannot be cleansed, stolen, duplicated, or blocked by fatigue. When The B1 Battle Droid has no more stacks of Droid Battalion, he is instantly defeated.

Active: The B1 Battle Droid summons 4 other battle droids and they all blast the enemy with the most health, dealing x damage and x additional damage for every 2 stacks of Droid Battalion. This bonus damage is less effective on enemies higher than level x.

Green Skill: Blast Them!

Normal Damage

The B1 calls in a fusillade of laser fire, dealing x damage to all enemies plus x bonus damage for every 5 stacks of Droid Battalion. This bonus damage is less effective on enemies higher than level x.

Blue Skill: Need Backup Here!

Every 15 seconds, the B1 calls for reinforcements, Instantly gaining 20 stacks of Droid Battalion.

Purple Skill: “Roger, Roger.”

The B1 increases his basic damage by 2% for every stack of Droid Battalion he has. This is less effective on enemies higher than level x.

Red Skill: “It’s my Programming”

When an ally uses a white skill while the B1 is on the battlefield, the B1 consumes 5 stacks of Droid Battalion to immediately assist with his own white skill, but it deals 65% less damage. The B1 now grants allies x basic damage for every 8 stacks of Droid Battalion. This basic damage granted is less effective on allies higher than level x.

Bonus Stats

X Basic Damage

X More bonus damage to “B1 Barrage” and “Blast Them!”


B1 Battle Droid/Hiro Hamada

Campaign: Software Updates

Description: “Hiro Hamada believes he can enhance the fighting prowess of the B1s so they can better defend the city. However the enhanced programming goes haywire and they wildy begin to destroy the city!”

Disk: “Strategic Control Circuits”

Disk Star Effect: “B1 Barrage” now studies enemies damaged for x seconds and removes x armor.

Disk Level Effect: X armor removed off of “Tank” role enemies when they are studied.

B1 Battle Droid/Emperor Zurg

Campaign: A New, Expansive Army

Description: Zurg decides to reprogram the Battle Droids to serve him and him alone. Luckily, Buzz Lightyear catches wind of the plot and asks for the other heroes to help stop him.

Disk: Droid Foundry Playset

Disk Star Effect: The B1 Battle droid now blocks up to 3 disables every 5 seconds by consuming 3 Droid Battalion per disable. When a disable is blocked, the enemy that tried to apply it has their armor reduced by x

Disk Level Effect: X Skill Power. X additional Droid Battalion gained from “Need Backup Here!”

I hoped you enjoyed this concept! Please post any and all feedback so I can continue to improve!

What Character should i do next?

  • Captain Rex
  • Han Solo
  • Chewbacca
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Grand Moff Tarkin

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