Ruler of the Subspace

This is a Boss Battle concept

Inspiration from @PawpsicleSticks

The new boss is…


Tabuu (Super Smash Bros Brawl)

Hp: Super High
Attack damage: very good
Amour: low
Difficulty: the hardest level imaginable
Enter: teleports in
Win: nothing

He’s available when players are level 70 and have at least 30 Heroes

Attack 1: he will grab a mid line or back line hero, swing him or her around, crash them down, stunning the whole team for a second👊.
Attack 2: he will grow big and shoots lasers from his eyes💫.
Attack 3: he teleports around, making the team go everywhere (sometimes explodes, dealing :dizzy:)
Special Attack:
SlimyDrearyJenny-size_restricted :shield:
(The Heroes with shields on them will be safe)

Yeah, that’s not gonna happen

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Any thoughts about him?

Pulls out a sign that says “it is not Disney”*

Any good ones?:roll_eyes:

Kind of unlikely character concept.


I don’t get the gif

Read the sign.

It says it’s a boss battle concept

But what about the subtitle on the gif?


Like others said its not Disney, but its a concept. So it is unlikely but it is decent.

Thank you and I tried to find the squidward one.

Also, check out
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Doom to the City part 3 sneak peek

I’m glad to see people still read that old topic! PB mentioned new bosses in a Q&A, so I wonder if they took any inspiration from it? Either way, I’m excited. :grin:

Also, why was this topic flagged? The only valid reason I can think of is that it isn’t in the right category, but even then someone would’ve said something about it.


Those aren’t links…

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