S1 Weekly Rules in Challenger Season Feedback

It’s not a distorted view tjat would litterally make it 100%fair :joy::joy: nor would those resorces be wasted since the toons you leveld still have certain niches outside of arena/coli

Arena and Coli are literally the star features of the game :roll_eyes:

The only way heroes could show their worth is in Surge, but heroes may only be used once, so testing heroes would not be much of a possibility :unamused:

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Literally would make lots of toons useless. Outside arena/coli there is no such thing as end game. And only in arena/coli old toons have a niche. Invasion is just about grinding with very specific teams and war is boring by design (MMR, guilds of whales…). And that’s it. If you’re having troubles in PvE then you’re not playing it right.


The main toon would be taken out of of his niche being hatter preventing disables for the first 4 seconds but he would still be relevant in the defence he just wouldnt be a must against a rule like hex since it would effect you no matter what

He is not a must. You can easily avoid hex using low heroes that doesn’t charge in the first 4 seconds… No toon is a must in coli nor arena.

You’re validating my point by saying that lol

Easier to discover the rules better than just promoting to unlock them. Thanks @Loutre. This is the change that I ever wanted ever since I just joined Challenger 2-3 years ago. :sweat_smile:

So to make it ‘fair’ they should nerf a character’s specialty?

That would likely cause outrage for the people that spent the resources to level up hatter.

Maybe it would be easier if you work on hatter rather then asking for nerfs on others.


Have the challenger rules been around 2 or 3 years?

I have hatter leveld before hex came along because hes good in other areas of the game aswell

It gives everyone the same disadvantage and advantage

Sure! He is great for invasion and war too :joy: … His range of usefulness is very limited to arena/coli and even so just in some specific seasons.

Not enough rewards. Need more

I flat out didn’t notice any difference…

Though it’s also likely I misunderstood something reading through it all.

So basically, instead of weekly rules applying depending on which division you were in, new weekly rules would be applied once a week, no matter which division you were in.

High-scoring players may not have experienced much of a difference, but low-scoring players might have experienced a noticable difference.


For people who always reach Challenger I, it makes zero different but for those who dont, we practically have to try harder for the exact same rewards, which is terrible

I love it that I can see all those rules beforehand but that’s it. Nothing more.

I hope the old system could come back and we still can see the rules ahead of time

The changes are unnoticeable

Хм даже не знаю

It’s literally equally for everyone.

So it’s fair.

That’s the issue :confused:

People in lower divisions have to work by the same rules as people in higher divisions, yet the people in lower divisions get less diamonds while the people in higher divisions get more diamonds

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