SADNESS concept


Stars : :star::star:
Quote : Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.

Basic move : she just gets sad and give a stack of sadness to random enemy

Entrance : when blue skill is unlocked she travel further .

Ko :

White : we should cry
:blue_heart:Passive :
Sadness skills and basic move gives stack of sadness to enemies . Stack up to 8 stacks .
:blue_heart:Active : she burst into tears dealing damage to all enemies and stunning them .
Each stack of sadness giving 0.75 second to stun length .
Skill animation :

:green_heart:Green : too sad
She makes enemies sad with their sad memories
Removing 200 energy from them and give 1 stack of sadness to them .
Skill animations
:blue_heart:Blue : inflated
At the start of battle she sits on a cloud and move through enemies .
Raindrops gives stack 2 stacks of sadness to enemies and slows Enemy movement by 40 % For 6 second.
She is immune to damage when she is on cloud .

:purple_heart:Purple : feel down
She heals herself or Every stack of sadness that are on battlefield .

Friend ships :-
"Inflated " Can also used during battle .
+10% slowing to “Inflated”
Gives more stack of sadness .

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