Satisfaction of deals currently

Satisfaction with current deal structure
  • Happy With Current Deal Structure
  • Neutral With Current Deal Structure
  • Dissatisfied With Current Deal Structure

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I don’t think PB understands the concept of “I would absolutely give you more money (in small increments) if you just stopped giving me garbage deals.”

I don´t think players understand the concept of “I would absolutely give you more non-garbage deals if you bought them less regularly so you don´t go too far ahead”.

The misunderstanding is mutual.

Yes, PB wants less money, ok.

Then they will get less money, these deals are just trash.

FTN has become much harder, so is upgrading new heroes and cap rises.

0 cosmetic crates and mission speed-ups are impossible to get as easily as before.

World is not black and white.

The world is like a forest when you look up for mushrooms. You gotta find those opportunities.

Anyway, you are reading PB 100% incorrectly. PB does not want “less money”. They just try their best at halting some of the top players so the field is more even.
Of course, those players would be ultra vocal and that is expected from such move, does not change the fact it makes the whole playerbase more even.

What happens when all the top players quit over this change what will perblue do then

Obviously they will quit then. I doubt all the top players would quit though. :joy:

nothing. they did nothing for the last 3 years it only got worse…

9 days later

nothing changed… might got worse.

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My deals are balanced.


By meaning?

By meaning don´t spend a while = get better deals. :smirk:

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Poor business practice I feel daily spenders turning into 1ce a month spenders if that

Nah, daily spenders won´t change… as Big Samba said “we want to stay relevant”… and so staying relevant would be more costly. That´s about it.

It´s not like the overall expenditure of “once a month spenders” would be 10x less for 10x more… the “daily spenders” only get on average deals in the overall cost of 3x for the same value inside. The 6x difference is rare and likely unique to VIP 0-5.

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