Scott the Woz
Position : middle
Quote: hey all Scott here
Entrance: appears and says hey all Scott here
Victory : says I did it I solved the mystery
Defeat: an open door aperas behind him and some pulls him through the door
Info:Scott here will use his love if mentioned video games from his videos and his team to
Over Wellm his opponents
Basic attack: hits an opponent with his pepto sword giving the border line forever status ( the broader line forever status can be applied 5 times to each opponent only activates when all opponents get this status effect 5 time they don’t do any thing until it’s applied 5 times ) border line forever traps opponents in a box for 6-8 seconds and lowers defense and shields whille trapped
White skill team Nintendo game barrage: scott throws a barrage of Nintendo games at opponents stunning them and knocking them back for 5 seconds and if they have the border line forever status activated they get blindness status too for 8-11 seconds
Green skill madden 08 in espanol for ps2 and x box 360: Scott throws two copies of madden 08 that explode on contact on the opponent doing massive damage side giveing two border line forever status
Blue skill team were censored: Scott somones one member of team were censored he can somon jerry actricts, Wendy’s employee, terry Lesler,Rex Mohs,or jab jab . Jerry actricks swings his clip board ,jab jab shotts a pistall,Wendy’s employee throws a whopper ,Rex uses a belt , and terry stabs with a sharpend carrot . ( they give one stack of boreder line forever with one basic attack they only last until the end of wave they have no other skills he can only somon one per wave and it’s a random )
Perple skill madden 09 hatred : a copy of madden 09 Apeers in front of Scott and then he yells at opponents draining energy and scarring them
Red skill be the best you, you can be (passive) : when Scottis on the field all allies get inspired giveing them attack and speed up and a damage boost
Scott the Wozniak/ Johntron
Johntron ask Scott to make a video for him so he dose but creeps are blocking the way to his apartment
item: madden 08 platinum edition
Green skill throws three copy’s of madden 08 in Spanish