Server 21 purchase strike(all servers welcome)

Keep on striking, the" improve " of the deals is wayyyyyyyy to less, nearly nothing…

Keep on strike is the right answer


Improved deals on s21 are live


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Lol i think your at group e
Group A 300 batties 10 usd
group B 300 battries 20 usd
group C 300 battries 30 usd
group D 300 battries 50 usd
group B C D please join the strike

So not everyone got improved deals

Idk how repear deals even became worse…


Deals on s21 and s22…

This… this is much better what it was on s1 with same cap.

Definitely better, but why so random?


Mine 50 usd 300 batties …

So improved for some and some not

@Polaris ^^^^

Can we have a clear statement regarding this?

Should we update or is there a mistake of why deals didnt improve for the majority

And in some cases even gotten worse

Group sample 200
Improved less then 10
Worse less then 10

I got the same offer yesterday at double the price. Maybe, in another life, I was a Warner Bros character


The sad truth is the deal that only some got that they say was an “error” is the 1st deal that comes anywhere near offering people something worth the value they are charging.


So how come I’m at s21 not having them? Is it new account u got?

Old. :old_key:

Maybe they give better deals for f2p accounts. I’m vip15 but last month I only spent fiver for shan yu chips guild gifts. My deals hasn’t improved not even at 10%.slightly better 50-99euro deals but Im not gonna buy those anymore and 19-31euro are the same as were


Deals still bad, nothing really changed… Its really sad to believe that this “improvement for stam deals” is in any case enough…

Ppl continues to quit, do something @Polaris

A friendly reminder that Polaris is not a developer and has no control over deals.


Thx ( didn’t know that) but well he is my way to communicate, and i believe he could write /speak to the right persons…

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A friendly reminder that Polaris is the rep for the company here and can report back to the people in charge. There is no other known point of contact here. Outside of sending letters to the company, o r other similar invasive methods of contact, Polaris is the way to contact. Addres sing them with the issues is how this should happen


Man this deal is still trash just like the rest for me. @Polaris why did you lie/ mislead us by telling us the deals would improve. If they did its like a 1% improvement. Garbage. They literally get 10x the stamina on S19…

Deal today.

Thats the 20 dollar deal… Comon, it’s less then before… That can’t be true

More then one person has that deal!!!

We aren’t at o1 or o2…

That is soooooooo much away from beeing “fair”

Thats exactly why soooo many top players and top spenders quittet, and more and more will follow @Polaris

The Stamina amounts in deals was increased on Servers 21 and 22.

As we addressed in the State of the Game post, it’s not helpful to compare deals on other servers and point out the difference.

There’s been a lot of chatter about the deals on Servers 21 and 22 specifically. These servers do get fewer items in their deals than other servers did at the same rarity. We are working to do a better job getting resources to players in the game (scaling rewards for example), so inflated deals don’t feel as necessary. The gap between free to play players and spenders is something we’ve been working hard to address on the older servers, and selling more things in deals makes that worse. We’ve deliberately tried to avoid that pitfall with servers 21 and 22 by increasing the contents of the deals more slowly, and working to improve the systems in the game to be more generous.


This is a deal from 21 @Polaris

I don’t compare anything from other servers, i just say we need fair deals, nothing more.

And u wrote that the stam deals has been improved for our server, but that screen ill posted mins before, is from today, s21!

There is no improve… The deals are worse then before… 90 stam for 20 dollar???

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