Server Merge: S1,2-5, 21-22, 23-24 Jan 27th Information

I find funny how this was supposed to be originally mid-January.

Well, you can use double drops on that account or use the stamina during it. Badges, Badge Bits and Plan Bits do consolidate. I did it on my accounts for like… ever.


Good suggestion, thanks!


This is a joke so I bought stamina deals on s2 and I cant transfer it to s1?
What a joke I paid for them!!!

They are.

It says consumables (stamina consumables) are transferrable.
Stamina that isn’t in the consumables (stamina you currently have right now) is disappearing.

My heroes are crap on s2 and I’m behind on s1 due to the crap deals. So either you give me the stamina or my money back!!! You have a duty to tell is well in advance if you are not allowing us to move stamina and you didnt. Thats disgrace.

Be cool. Stamina Consumables do transfer.


So the 60k consumables im allowed

But 4k near the gold no? Correct?

I don´t know, ask Loutre. I am fairly certain there will be people with far more on their accounts than 60k. But eh.

Even I do have much more, in fact.

I misinterpreted it and saw others saying they were losing 100k sorry

@Loutre can you confirm please!!!

Stamina Consumables were always transforming to the ‘‘destination’’ account.

as anything else.


Consumables means alot ports etc are consumables i saw banked stamina and thought oh no

Correct; that’s what “banked” stamina refers to, so use it or lose it.

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No point using it its a baby account lol.i can lose it lol

Thanks i got my wires crossed ive never merged before as somehow this is my 1st time.

Banked stamina can be converted to Badge Bits which can help the main account considerably. Well, if you know which to raid, that is.

I do but im nowhere near like 51 on the map or id get yellow bits im not even red lol on s2

So its got limited use

You don´t even need those. Like… to even get to yellow you need a lot of purple and orange bits… not even red as they start at R9… rule of seven… R9-R16-Y3.

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