Servers 18 and 19 Merge October 26th Information

Okay, so to be clear, making an account, AFTER merger is announced, but spending money, and NOT using any of the resources purchased, will still get you a consolidation, but ASKING about it, in forum, will NOT. Also, making an account, on every server, and not using them, until a merger is announced, is fine, except for ME, because I brought it up. I’m sure there is also no recourse, to recover the money I have spent, to try and keep up, with the double level advancements, to try and stay relevant, with this slipshod merger. Guess it’s time to try my hand, at F2P. Apologies, to anyone that doesn’t get a consolidation, because I asked questions.

No, only you will not be getting the accounts merged if you make a purchase on the account you want merged as you’ve already been told no.


Got it. Even though others that were told “No” WERE consolidated, after pointing out, they spent money. Feeling VERY singled out, because I spoke up, in forums.

I made the decision and let support know at 6am CST this morning for consolidating payed accounts that were made after the announcement.

You are being told no as you’ve had a conversation with support and me about your free account made after the merge. You are attempting to try and use a loop hole now after being told no and we will not be allowing that. You are now making it so others cannot attempt that as well though as I have told support that any players making purchases after this mornings change will not be merged either.


I don’t see any issue here - if people had spent money, PB are doing them a favour and not leaving them out of pocket by allowing them to consolidate their items.

The act of spending money in itself is not a free pass to having an account merged :man_shrugging:

Except only those that pointed out they spent, got their consolidation. . . Sounds like a double standard, to me. No spending, on S18! #gwydion82 and anyone else, that gets screwed, because I pointed out the lies and hypocrisy.

Again, this change had only been made by me this morning after support asked if players who made purchases could be merged. Today is also the last day to request an account merge so attempting to make a purchase to get around this is not acceptable. As I’ve checked with previous merges it was never allowed to merge accounts AFTER the merge announcement so this had just been a change I made to allow players who spent that money to continue using them on their merged account.

It is a free to play game you don’t need to make a purchase.


I think we all get it. Free to play, Pay to consolidate, unless YOU ASK if you can pay, to consolidate. You may have always HAD a rule, but it was never expressed, to players. Bad form, sir. Bad form.

It’s only if you try and use a loop hole to get around being told no multiple times.

Yep, only ME, because I ASKED about the loophole. Everyone else gets to USE the loophole, I pointed out. Totally fair /sarcasm.

Pay no attention, to the loophole, behind the curtain. . .

Anyone making a purchase today and requesting a merge is not allowed to get that consolidation so no one gets to use that loop hole.


Just going to close this thread as everything needed to be said has been.

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