Servers Merges: 13, 15, 17, and 20 & 1 and 9

Djaq is indeed right @Tragic-Magic


Okay thank you

1 more thing why is there a 9: in front of my account I’d do I include that to in my request?

Yes, you do. It’s part of your account ID

My guild (Jedi Masters) on server one went down 285 ranks from 125th to 410th
 why is this? Most guilds went down only about 20 or 30 ranks. Honestly, I’m devastated.

The explanation here is that there were many guilds from S9 that had more power than your guild’s. Only some guilds in S1 had a few S9 guilds with more power than them.

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Then how did Piper and Purrs, who were 180th before the merge, only go down to 210th? It doesn’t make any sense! I just want my guild to be good again. :cry:

They have more than twice as much power as your guild. Are you sure you were the 125th rank in terms of team power before the merge?

Members between guilds might have mixed a lot after the merge

Then get better. Fixed.

As is 16. Begging to merge with you :crossed_fingers:

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This quote right here was only partial true. While yes, people got cosmetic points to the destination account, no unlocked cosmetics were added to them.
If the “unlocked cosmetics” were meant to be “unlocked cosmetic collections” then it may have been correct. But the way it was worded it is a lie, which I can prove.
Already wrote that to Polaris in a Support ticket, but I believed it should be written here as well.


All they need to do is some minor alterations. Not a big deal.

Oh yeah, increasing a server’s cap by 45 levels is a minor alteration. Thank you Very much i got it what is the meaning of MINOR.Again Thanks.


It is minor as they increase cap levels all the time, what’s so different now?

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That it’s 9 MONTHS worth of cap increases :man_facepalming:

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I’m pretty sure I said this earlier but newer players will have a hard time to progress with older players. It would just cause more a mess if they merge all servers.


Yeh. Along this whole game we have had higher than that. It doesn’t matter. End of conversation, it was just a joke at the start but let’s stop this conversation.

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So no more Support messages about this @Polaris?
Wherever you want it, I am able to share my Excel where I pinpointed the collections closest to completion and what the alternate account had in case something would go haywire with the info stated here. And there it is.

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Is it safe to keep using accounts after asking for consolidation? Won’t be there any complications when I will use one of the accounts and (meanwhile) support would start the process of sending goods and deleting accounts?

If it’s possible, I asked yesterday for consolidation, when it could happen?

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