ShadowMan16’s Concept Library

You better know it!

Yea the only issue I have with scrapbook is that I either have to make an asset for him, search everywhere in Katyj98’s channel for one, or take a photo and attempt to remove the face for the drawing in the concept, since there’s no asset available.

Scrapbook added to the list!

  • Sketchpad (TNM)
  • Lightbulb (II)
  • Canes Cup (AB)
  • Raj Brandston (HK)
  • Airy (ONE)
  • Two (TPOT)
  • Pin (BFDI)
  • Leafy (BFDI)
  • Trev McGrath (HK)
  • Teardrop (BFDI

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technically you could, the description of the topic says you can do likely and not likely.

Well I’m new, how would I know that?

That’s not an excuse. Maybe you are new but that still doesn’t change that rule

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Well I didn’t know

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