Welcome to my NetTube channel! (UNLIKELY CONCEPT)


”I can’t wait to make some memories with you guys…”

Role: Support
Team: Yellow
Position: Front

Description: “Scrapbook’s positive attitude and diverse support moveset will make sure to help out your team when things look dire!”


Entrance: Scrapbook simply walks into the battlefield, before giving a friendly wave.

Basic Attack: Scrapbook looks at his bracelet, and it heals him a relatively small amount of HP.

Victory: Cam and Glitters come onscreen and congratulate Scrapbook.

Defeat: Scrapbook falls to his knees and tears up.


White Skill: Memories with You

When activated, Scrapbook can call on Glitters or Cam. They both have different uses. These are-

Glitters (on the left): Heals Scrapbook an extra amount of HP, while also giving him buffed armor.

Cam (in the middle): Gives Scrapbook a shield for 6 seconds, and also gives one to an ally.

Green Skill: NetTube Video

Scrapbook starts making a NetTube vlog, which temporarily makes Scrapbook immune to disables, and it also charms an enemy. The blog lasts from 2-4 seconds, and when he’s done, he will lose the immunity to disables, but will have a slightly faster basic attack speed.

Blue Skill: Tail Whip

Scrapbook sharply punches a nearby enemy with his hand/tail, which deals X Damage, knocks the enemy back, and stuns them for 2-4 seconds.

Purple Skill: Moving Forward

Scrapbook’s Basic Attack now heals twice the original amount it used to heal.

Red Skill: My Lovely Viewers

‘NetTube Video’ can now last up to 6 seconds long. It also can heal Scrapbook up to 50% of his Max HP if he is currently below it.

  • +X Duration of ‘NetTube Video*
  • +X Max HP
  • +X Damage Dealt on ‘Tail Whip’


‘Content Curators’
Allies: Ralph, Meilin, Sketchpad (COMING SOON)
Cam’s shields on ‘Memories with You’ now last 8 seconds.

‘Caring Companions’
Allies: Two (COMING SOON), Mirabel, Leafy (COMING SOON)
Glitters now heals more HP on ‘Memories with You’.


As he was the most voted in my recent poll, I knew Scrapbook was going to be a way different moveset. I usually do a lot of damage based moves, and it just didn’t seem like that would fit for Scrapbook. Anyways, I had a pretty fun time making Scrapbook’s moveset, and I hope it turned out well in you guys’ eyes!

Airy came in 2nd place in the poll, so he should be next. Stay tuned, and thanks for checking out this concept, my lovely viewers! (Sorry for the reference lol)


Great concept :+1:


I’m excited.

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