Shan-Yu | C. Concept


3-Star Frontline Control
“Nice work, gentlemen. You’ve found the Hun Army.”

Basic Attack: Shan-Yu hacks and slashes with his sword.
Entrance: Shan-Yu walks in, while Hayabusa circles the enemy team.
Victory: Shan-Yu smirks as Hayabusa lands on his glove.
Defeat: Shan-Yu is stricken with a look of disbelief, while Hayabusa simply disappears

White: Mongolian Warmonger
Shan-Yu lets out a warcry, making all enemies Fatigued for 6 seconds and raising Hayabusa’s
attack speed by 150% for 8 seconds. The Fatigue has a reduced duration on enemies above level X.

“Fatigued” enemies are unable to inflict any status effects on themselves or others. Shan-Yu
is immune to Fatigue.

Green: Ruthlessness
Shan-Yu stabs the nearest enemy, stealing X Max HP and stunning them for 6 seconds.

Blue: Eyes Above
Every 4 seconds, Hayabusa swoops down from above to attack a random enemy, doing X damage and
making them Fatigued for 7 seconds. Hayabusa’s attacks and attack speed are separate from

The Fatigue has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

Purple: Intimidating Presence
All disables and debuffs last 5 seconds longer on Fatigued enemies.

This has a reduced effect on enemies above level X.


“Waging War”
“Mongolian Warmonger” does X Normal damage to Fatigued enemies
Fatigued enemies’ Armor drains by X a second
Shan-Yu receives 18% * S of drained Armor as Skill Power

“Street Smarts”
Shan-Yu gains X Crit Damage whenever Hayabusa damages an enemy
Hayabusa gains 8% * S Attack Damage whenever Shan-Yu crits


In General (Either disk)
Shan Yu’s Frontline status and lack of self-sustenance leaves him vulnerable to attacks. Good
tanks such as Goofy and Baymax, as well as good supports like Joy and Megara, help him stay afloat
in the middle of combat so he can continue to wreak havoc on the enemy team.

Heroes that struggle with disables love him, as his ability to completely prevent all status
ailments protects them from being shut down and vulnerable.

Fellow Control heroes such as Maleficent and Ursula pair up well with him, as “Intimidating
Presence” allows them to control enemy heroes for longer.

Calhoun Disk
With his Calhoun disk, Shan-Yu is an amazing synergy to Merida. His constant armor shredding gives
her more arrows, increases her damage output, and extends the length of the freezes from her
Elastigirl disk. Other Normal damagers benefit from the disk as well, but not to the same extent.

Aladdin Disk
Shan-Yu’s Aladdin disk is slightly situational. It’s useless when T&P are on the enemy team, so it
isn’t the preferred choice for competitive modes. However, the large damage increases combos well
with heroes that Study enemies, especially Barbossa(Ti), making it useful for CW and Invasion. The
extended duration of debuffs/disables helps extend Studies and Slows, making him especially good
for fighting Mama Bot.


  • Shan Yu is one of the only Disney villains who has killed children, though never on screen.

  • Despite being the main antagonist of the film, he only had ~6 minutes of screentime.

  • One of Shan-Yu’s probable historical influences, Attila, died of a severe nosebleed.

I tried a few new things, like images for the friendships, the trivia and synergy sections, and a new disable. Hopefully it’s all up to snuff. :sweat_smile:


Interesting! I like it.


I love reading trivias. :+1:t2:


I’m sorry there’s not much of it. 6 minute villains don’t have much time for hobbies.

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It’s okay. You just launched your new concept section so it’s understandable. It will get better as you make more. :grin:


Crit Damage shouldn’t have a variable that can be upgraded by disk power, since he’ll become a damaging beast (got the pun?) and another synergy with Merlin. I think it’s better to let Beast have his high crit damage unique. So maybe make the crit damage upgradable through memories. I’d add Skill Power/Basic Damage as a variable, so the attacks could be stronger

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