She's Painting Our Whole World... Red! - Red Unlikely Concept

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I made a concept, hasn’t it?

Despite me not liking Descendants: The Rise of Red much as a movie, I got inspired to create a concept for Red herself. I’m not sure yet if I want to get back into regular concept making; however, I do have some ideas for other concepts I had long since scrapped that I would like to revisit. So without further ado…

Source: Descendants: The Rise of Red

Description: She’s a rebel, a menace, a one-girl riot… and she’s ready to paint the City red.

Quote: “I’m a prisoner of Wonderland. I’m a lost cause.”

Role: Control

Position: Back

Trial Team: Blue (retroactive RIP)

Entrance: Red walks to her position and takes off her hood and mask.

Victory: Red flips her hair and power poses.

Defeat: Red puts her hood back on and crosses her arms.

Basic attack: Red swings a croquet mallet at the nearest enemy.

White - Pocket Watch
Red pulls out Maddox’ pocket watch and reverses time, healing herself and all allies to full HP, Cleansing herself and all allies, and removing all active buffs from the enemy team. Red also gains a shield with X HP for each buff she removed from the enemy team. This shield cannot be removed, copied, or stolen.

Green - Path of Destruction (Normal Damage)
Red tosses a balloon full of red paint at the closest enemy, dealing X damage to them and reducing their attacks and movement speed by 80% for 10 seconds.

Blue - Lit After Dark (Fantastic Damage)
Red tosses a firework onto the battlefield and it explodes, dealing X damage to nearby enemies and making them gain 3 stacks of Weakness and Confusion for 8 seconds.

Purple - Princess of Hearts
While shielded by “Pocket Watch”, Red is immune to disables and gains 100 Energy each time an enemy attempts to disable her.
Red Team enemies have their Basic Damage reduced by X, while Red Team allies gain X Basic Damage.

Red - Bad Reputation
“Path of Destruction” and “Lit After Dark” deal X bonus True Damage to enemies for each debuff on them.
“Pocket Watch” now reduces enemies’ Skill Power by 10% per buff removed from them for 9 seconds. This effect can stack up to 6 times.
When the shield from “Pocket Watch” is destroyed, Red instantly casts “Path of Destruction” and gains X Basic Damage & Berserk for 10 seconds.
+X Skill Power
+X Reality
+X Damage dealt with “Path of Destruction”

Red/Isabela Madrigal
Campaign: “Red Rose Rampage” - Upon discovering that neither of them have the family obligations that they do back home, Red and Isabela decide to freely explore the City together. (Allies: Meilin Lee, Jasmine, Merida)

Disk: “Free Spirits” - “Pocket Watch” Deals Damage Over Time
+X Max HP
+X Armor
+X Skill Power while shielded by “Pocket Watch”
When Red uses “Pocket Watch”, enemies take 12% of their max HP (+12% per star) as Fantastic Damage over 10 seconds.

Campaign: “Opportunity Makes a Thief” - When Red learns of Esmeralda’s charity work in the City, she figures this could be a good opportunity for her to put her own street smarts to actual good use. (Allies: Flynn Rider, Shank, Robin Hood)

Disk: “Honor Among Thieves” - Share “Pocket Watch” Shield
+X Basic Damage to Red and allies
+X Armor to Red and allies
Whenever Red or an ally debuffs an enemy, they heal for X HP.
When Red uses “Pocket Watch”, allies gain a shield with HP equal to 20% (+20% per star) of her own shield HP.



Great concept!

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Great concept :+1:

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Cool and Great Concept dude :muscle:t2:

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I’m honestly kind of curious if we ever did get descendants in here and how they would actually interact with their parents. Since it’s a different canon, I wonder if the animated villains would recognize their live action kids lol.


Yeah, I intentionally avoided giving Descendants characters Friendship Campaigns with their parents because I didn’t really want to open up that can of worms, especially for characters like Carlos or Chloe whose parents are very different from their animated counterparts. It wouldn’t surprise me if PB did the same if they were to add Descendants characters to the actual game.


This is an great concept :+1:

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