Shiroko ( Terror ) Blue archive unlikely heroes concept

Hieveryone today we talking about a Shiroko ( Terror ) from Blue archives.


Shiroko Terror

Description: Shiroko know ask terror, to take down at Kivotos or… City. She back timeline of future, to take down enemies with her Terror weapon!

Quote:“You cannot change a prefer fate. As was planned, Kivotos shall reach its demise.”


Entrance: Shikroko Terror Apply to Portal and walk to positive.

Victory: Put her Terror rifles and she is nothing.

Defeat: Shiroko terror run to battlefield, while back to positive.

Basic Attack: Shoot at enemies with Terror rifles.

Skills Animation

White Skills :white_circle:
“Terror Drone” ( True Damage )

Passive: Shiroko Terror her basic attack, do True damage and Shatter enemies for 5.0 second.

Active: Shiroko Terror call a Terror Drone at all enemies, Limited and Curse for 10.0 second. Fire plasma dealt x True damage for 12 time hit, While each hit, Shiroko terror gains 200% Attack and Movement Speed for 10.0 second.

Green Skills :green_circle:
“Terror Grenade” ( True Damage )

Shiroko terror Hurls a undead Grenade at further enemy, dealing x True Damage to the enemy and enemies nearly. All enemies caught in the blast are Knocked toward his side a battlefield, Shatter for 10.0 second, and gains 5 stack of Decay.

Blue Skills :large_blue_circle:
“Undead Mark” ( True Damage )

Shiroko Plasma the frontmost enemy and enemies nearly, all enemies hit are dealt x True damage knocked back, Shatter and Curse for 10.0 second.

Purple Skills :purple_circle:
“Revenge Terror” ( True Damage )

When Shiroko terror knocks back an enemy, he reduce their Attack Speed by 100%, gains x Basic Damage and deal 300% more damage to that enemy for 13.0 second.

Red Skills :red_circle:
“Undead Timeline” ( True Damage )

Shiroko terror basic attack and skills, now remove active buff and deal x bonus True Damage.

“Terror Drone” now blast at enemies are knocks back, and Decrease 50% Reaction for 10.0 second.

While enemies an shatter, Shikroko terror gains 5 stack of hardy and increase 200% Attack Speed and movement Speed for 10.0 second.

X. Basic Damage
X. Max Hp
X. Bonus True Damage to “Terror Drone”

Friendship Disk

1.Shikroko Terror and Shiroko
Disk Name: Lost a Kivotos City
Disk Effects: Better Decay and weakness
Other Effects:

1.Shikroko terror with basic attack and skills, now enemies gains 2 stack of weakness and 3 stack of decay for 10.0 second. ( x% Star level )

2.X Basic Damage
3.X Max Hp
4.X Armor
5.X Reality
6.X Bonus True Damage to “Terror Drone”

Campaign: Shiroko get angry look like my a further, other Shiroko terror, get a refuse at herself, like my, Shiroko call a Scrooge McDuck, Mickey mouse & Darkwing Duck, is trouble on a Kivotos city.

Allies: Darkwing Duck, Mickey Mouse, Scrooge McDuck,

2.Shikoro Terror and Negaduck
Disk Name: Madness Terror!
Disk Effects: Cleaner Herself and give reflect
Other Effects:

1.When Shiroko gains 2 debuff, from enemies he cleaner herself and gains reflect for 5 second and also rest of her their skills by 0 second.
Shiroko terror can cast this even if he is Frozen, Stunning or Silence.

2.X Basic Damage
3.X Armor
4.X Reality
5.X Bonus True Damage to “Terror Grenade”
6.If Shiroko Terror with cleaner, also Heal x hp for herself.

Campaign: Shiroko terror is silence, Negaduck ask to get loud and angry! Shiroko look her eye get madness and holding her rifles, Negaduck get scary and listing.

Allies: Maleficent, Shego, Shan yu,

I hope like my heroes concept!

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