Silly Symphonies! (Sort of an elimination game!)

Yes please…
And Myeong don’t sweat it… This is the first round and you came up with a perfect song… Plus I didn’t really specify…

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I choose “Crazy equals Genius” by Panic at the Disco…
Stitch is trying to avoid Jumba and Pleakely to live with a normal family and acts a bit crazy, but he is smarter and more cunning than everyone takes him to be…
Plus; come on, can’t you just feel Stitch while listening to it?

I choose Starships, but a clean version as I only remember the beginning when they say “let’s go to the beach” and the “starships were meant to fly” part… there are clean versions of the song like in the show “Zoey’s extraordinary playlist”

Stitch - Clocks by Coldplay

Clocks is my favorite song at the moment and it’s because it hits so hard with the topic of finding where your home is and how it’s always where you wanted to go. And Stitch found that the home he had was where he always wanted to go.

We have 4, just need at least 4 more!

Maybe a few Elvis songs? Just to fill in those spots and fit the Stitch vibes

1 song per person

I know. But we can have as many options on the poll… So it is good to have a lot of songs

Good idea!!

Let’s add Stuck on you from Elvis, that was also in Lilo and Stitch

5 songs! (10)

Yes! That was one I was thinking of. @Missing_Lyrics, can we vote for our own songs?

If there are only 8 songs I think will be better if no, but idk.

Right now we are aiming for 8, but as it grows then we will grow and Maybe you can vote for yourself… not yet…

Please spread the news of the thread though to friends and such…

Sure! Who has put in songs yet? Just so I know who to message

@Rinoxer0nte, You, @Myeong, Me, @Lucas1999

3 spots left!

Everyone, post your Stitch songs if you have not already! 3 spots left

Which fits Stitch Best?
  • “Stuck on you” ~ Elvis
  • “Clocks” ~ Coldplay
  • “Starships” ~ Nicki Minaj
  • “Your Heart Will Lead You Home” ~ Kenny Loggins
  • “Crazy equals Genius” ~ Panic! at the Disco

0 voters

Anything Elvis fits Stitch

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