skekSil Concept

The Chamberlain of the Skeksis, a master of persuasion and deception, and a backstabber whenever he feels like it. Be careful not to fall for his lies and tricks!

“Beloved Scientist! You must be careful. I may not always be here to save you.”
Front-line Control
Stars: :star:
Trial Team: Blue
Basic Attack Damage: Normal


Entrance: Walks in with both hands together. He looks around, pulls a knife out of his sleeve, and cackles.
When he has his purple skill, this slightly alters his entrance to have him sharpen his knife before cackling. Waves after that will just have him sharpen it while walking forward.

Victory/Rank Up: Puts away his knife, and gives a smug, suspicious glare to the viewer.

Hurt/Given Badges: Widens his eyes and mouth, letting out a little yelp.

Defeat: Flinches his head back, lowers his arms, and gives a concerned expression.

Basic Attack: Stabs forward with his knife.


White Skill: Alluring Assault

skekSil drops his knife, and steps forward, showing his empty hands. During this, he will be vulnerable to all attacks, and take twice as much damage.
When all his health is depleted, he counters by pulling out another knife, and deals X normal damage to the closest enemy, removing X armor from them for 10 seconds.
Afterwards, he steps back, and drinks a bottle of essence, healing himself X HP.
If he doesn’t lose all his health, he will instead slash at all enemies for X normal damage, and then heal. No armor is removed when he does this.

Green Skill: Convincing Cognition

skekSil fearfully dodges an attack, and acts innocent, charming the frontmost and backmost enemy, for 7 seconds.
Charm has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

Blue Skill: Studious Stare

skekSil lowers his head, and tilts it a little, staring deeply at the enemies, studying and decreasing their armor by X for 7 seconds.
Study has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

Purple Skill: The Chamberlain

At the start of each wave, skekSil sharpens his knife, increasing his basic attack power by X for 15 seconds.

Red Skill: Mmmmmm…

Every time skekSil applies a debuff on an enemy, he heals X HP to himself.
“Alurring Assult” cleanses all debuffs when healing.
“Studious Stare” studies the weakest enemy for an additional 7 seconds, studying them for 14 seconds.
+X Skill Power
+X Reality
+X Alurring Assult Damage


Shan Yu

Friendship Campaign: Hunters and Huntees
Allies: Maximus, Captain Hook, Horned King
Story: Shan Yu recruits skekSil to help him hunt down his enemies.

Friendship Disk: Crooked Knife
(More damage to Front-liners)
Deal 200% more damage to Front-line enemies. (+50% per star)

Dr. Facilier

Friendship Campaign: Masters of Manipulation
Allies: Evil Queen, Jafar, Maleficent
Story: skekSil attempts to convince Dr. Facilier into helping him find a stray Gelfling.

Friendship Disk: The Skeksis Share
(Shared buff from “The Chamberlain”)
+X Basic Attack Power
All allies receive the basic attack power buff from “The Chamberlain” for 5 seconds. (+2 per star)

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What is this from?

The Dark Crystal. A movie made by Jim Henson.

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Well I will accept it for two reason, he is scary and Jim henson

Definitely creepy in the right moments.

Is it okay if I give some feedback? Also is this your first concept @SilverMode cause it is pretty good for a first one.

No, Celia was my first concept.

The concept is not done yet but other then that I’m enjoying it

Also is he a Muppets character?

They’re a Jim Henson character, so technically?

Ok. It is pretty good either way.

First to answer your question about a study heavy character I suggest looking at characters like Maximus, Hector Barbossa, Basil, etc. A lot of heroes on the Yellow Trial Team study, so I suggest looking there.

Now onto the feedback. This is a good concept, but it is too OP and pretty complicated.

The name of the character should be before the image so people know who this is.

This is not what a basic attack is. A Basic Attack is something like “(name of character) swings his/her sword at enemies.” It is what they do, not the damage they deal. In fact, where exactly are the animations? So the entrance, victory, and defeat animations (what they do when those things happen)

This is a good description, but in terms of organizing I feel it should be after the image and before the quote.

I am having trouble understanding this skill, so I really cannot give feedback on it. It is really complicated and OP.

Does this buff the enemies attack speed and SKILL power? It is just unclear who gets the buff. This is a good skill, but the dodge makes it OP, so I suggest removing that.

This skill is good.

Purple skills are passive and do not have new animations.

This is a pretty good red skill, but there is just a little to much going on in it. I suggest removing the thing about “Convincing Cognition” and then it would be fine.

And you are missing the friendships. I hope this feedback helps and does not discourage you. Keep making concepts and you will improve!

It said WIP for a reason.

Oh sorry I did not notice that. Also, I forgot what it meant :disappointed_relieved: I do hope it helps you improve it though.

Well, I changed it. Maybe even majorly in some parts.

Not trying to sound rude but

Purple skills can’t have new animations

King Louie, Maximus, Davy Jones and Judy Hopps have purple skills with new animations.

Those are revives and dodges, which are the only purple things that can have new animations

Maximus does not have a Dodge nor a revive

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Don’t revive concepts.


It was listed as the top listed thread. Its not a month old so its not a necro. Its relevant to discussion. Dont be a pedant.

Its also a cool kit worth discussing.

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