I have played this game a lot and I think it great and the only thing I have a problem with it is the Skill points. This might or might not be just me reting about it but I just want to get my feeling about it. While I see I think I see what they’re trying to do with it, make people be more chose with where the skill points go. I don’t think the creators realized how importing the skills are. Say you starting a new account and you point your points already into one of your charters, what stopping you from just going on through the campaign. You eventually get to the point where you leveled up charters can’t pass so you have to wait for the skill point to recharge, now that doesn’t seem so bad expited you also have to spend gold too. After all, have a low skill level can really even a character even if there have five starts and are oranges there can still do low damages or heals. And of course, it doesn’t help that there put in skills that don’t work well as a level unless you put points into it. And if you are hight level and have loads of gold, you could get a new charter and have to wait a long time for it to get its skill points up there with your characters just to see if you can see if they’re good or not. not saying its bad to put down some kind of thing to stop you from just full powering your characters but If you ask I think it should be either just skill points and wait for them to recharge or you just spend gold on them. I just wanted to get my thoughts out on it and hope that the craters make some changes to the skill point system.
I don’t think it really matters, you barely have to wait for the skill points to be refilled.
I don’t really know how long it takes for it to fully refilled but there do seem to need a lot of gold to get them at the max level of the hero level.
Well this is a free mobile game afterall.
I read the whole wall, but I’m… not exactly sure what your problem or suggestion is?
Skill points do indeed require gold to level up, in fact they are the main thing to spend gold on in the game. You can still level up a good number of skills without too much trouble, even at higher levels
I guess it’s about skill points that limit upgrading. Like, right now you can upgrade skills 23 times, after that you have to wait.
Most annoying thing about skillpoints especially for new heroes is, that you need to skill every skill 1by1 instead of +5,+10,+50
You can do 23? How? I can only do twelve! Is there a reason for this?
Yes, I bet that it has to do with the guild perks
Oooh ok than
Or maybe VIP levels, I don’t remember
I have 24. Since I’m VIP 5 I have 20. But through guild perks I have 4 extra skill points.