Snoopy (unlikely hero concept)

Name: Snoopy
Role: Control
Stars: :star2::star2:
Team: Blue
Position: Back

Description: The beagle has landed! Armed with nothing more than a typewriter and some aviary know-how, everyone’s favorite flying ace proves to be a formidable force on the battlefield

Quote: “keep looking up. That’s the secret of life.”

Entrance: he lands his plane and exits it

Win: he poses for his official portrait

Lose: his plane malfunctions as he makes a run for it

Basic: He crumples up a piece of paper from his typewriter and throws it at the closest enemy

:white_circle: Dog-Fight

Snoopy gets in his plane and flies it across the battlefield, stunning all enemies for X seconds and dealing X Fantastic damage.

:green_circle: Dancing Dog

Snoopy does his happy dance, charming the 3 frontmost enemies for X seconds, as well as healing the ally with the lowest HP.

:large_blue_circle: Beagle Scout Brigade

Snoopy summons a group of 5 Woodstocks to fly through the battlefield, dealing X true damage to all enemies.

:purple_circle: A Warm Puppy

“Dancing Dog” now depletes X HP from the affected enemies for X seconds.

:red_circle: Own the Skies

“Dog-Fight” now adds knockback to the affected enemies.

Friend campaigns:

Snoopy/ The Rocketeer

Allies: Fozzie Bear/ Queen of Hearts/ Rafiki

Snoopy/ Launchpad McQuack

Allies: Flik/ Bowler Hat Guy/ Gaston


:heart: :white_heart: :black_heart:
Snoopy is/was one of my all time faves, as I’m sure he was others favorite too!

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