So slow with New Charaters

It’s fun getting new characters but a new character every week it seems like that would be more thrilling so hopefully they release a character every week

First off, they are not able to do this. PerBlue has to take time to create heroes, so that their designs are complete and not sloppy. The art team is not able to do this either.

How would this be “thrilling?” Wouldn’t it be more exciting to get a new hero every once in a while? If we got one every week, then we wouldn’t be as excited for new characters.

Not only that, but DHBM would, most likely, run out of ideas and heroes.


If you want to pay thousands of dollars to rank up each new hero to a useable state every week, sure :man_shrugging:

The rest of us can’t even keep up with the monthly heroes


What they really need to fix that’s slow is the trials wait time. When I click on raid times six I find myself waiting for 20 seconds before the screen unfreezes and shows me the loot I acquired and then another ten seconds for me to exit out when I click the x button.


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