So You Want to Bring Me Back

I would imagine it’s in game, I missed a lot but I think it’s in game. Maybe Fear also? Fear + Joy = Anticipation. This could be important.

Star Wars is not and that was a clue. It is about Inside Out. You are probably looking in the wrong place.

Has anyone seen the blue emotion where she said she was super picky with these concepts and was inpressed by @Filadae_Djaq. When you first enter the forums you can’t feel anything but impressed, but now it seems like she sort of is building the criticism to help Maybe this connects, then again I might be mad.

Still looking in the wrong place

OK, this is a bit of a stretch, but there was a butter and bread mention in Mary Poppins and @Imagineer_V made a concept for her, I’m going to check it now.
It’s also in “The brave little Toaster Goes to Mars”

Is the emotion Brave? As in Merida?
Or the Toaster of course.

I don’t want to read 70 replies so anyone can make a summary?

Uh…they found the star wars riddle clue to be some person, and are currently stuck on the next part.

So imagineer said that it is about inside out and core memories could be like a central memory, the butter and bread thing could be a combination of sadness and joy they were the first 2 emotions.

Any other theories?

Sadness and Joy = Melancholy

Riley’s memories involving Big Bong were somewhat melancholy. Perhaps it’s Big Bong? Or maybe the fear of the past plus anger for losing those memories could be Fear or Anger?

Idk, I think I’m extrapolating way too much.

You guys are reading into this too much


Imagineer said this…

myplukzopw decodes to friendship


This is the only concept with a friendship with Joy, but I’m not so sure if this is the right track

I got rickrolled :frowning_face:

Edit: the only Disney thing i could think of is Wreck-it-Ralph (who sang the same song)


Dang… Imagineer is going trickster mode…


Don’t you mean… Rick-ster mode???


So the answer is Rick Astley :rofl::thinking:


I keep missing all the riddles. The big brain Instagram users have beat me again :frowning:

I don’t use Instagram :rofl: @Giosphere do you?

And to be serious, I don’t know whether we have solved this round yett. @Imagineer_V has not comfirmed to go into the next round. Your thoughts are thus still very welcome

If this is a star wars language then I’m going to be disappointed in myself as I am the biggest star wars fan

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