Sonic Hero Concept

Since the Sonic movie is out,let’s talk about him!

Sonic is a front-line,:star2::star2:,Control hero! He will be available in the Diamond crates in all servers!

Team: Blue
Basic attack: See Passive
Entrance: Sonic runs into the battlefield
Defeat: Sonic being scared transform into a ball and rolls away
Victory: Sonic smiles happily and throws rings to the sky


White: Rings hunt
Passive: Sonic throws a ring as a Basic attack!
Dealing X damage to an enemy! The 2nd basic attack will throw fire rings!

Active: Whenever Sonic throws a fire ring for the 5th time,Sonic starts to grants himself a shield!

Green: A Hedgehog’s knows the best (fantastic damage✨)
Sonic runs to the enemies very fast! Dealing X fantastic damage!

Blue: Sonic Dash
Sonic rolls into a ball and a ramp appears in the front of him, and he flies to the air whenever he touches the ramp deals X damage!

Purple: The chance of respawn
When Sonic have 0 hp,he heals himself for Y hp!

Red: Speed isn’t enough
Sonic will also stuns enemies when he granted a shield or if he is running!


  • Sonic/Dash

  • Sonic/Lightning McQueen

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This is passive, not an active

What is the difference then?

To them? Or through them?

Which will only be once for this skill…

You could just remove the ramp and have him do a knockback

This is too OP

What do they do?

I will admit, this is one of your better concepts, but it still seems rapidfire.

Also, remove the exclamation points. I am pretty sure he isn’t the really-hype-and-too-optimistic Joy.

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