Sonic the hedgehog (Unlikely hero concept)

Sonic the hedgehog


Description: sonic is the fastest thing alive and hero of Mobius and is ready to help allies with his speed.

Role - Damage
Team - Blue
Position - backline
Stars - 1 :star2:
Quote - “i have have no master except the wind that blows free”

Entrance - sonic comes out of a giant ring
Victory - Sonic wags his finger
Defeat - sonic loses a life.

Basic Skill - spin dash
Sonic spin dashs the enemy.

White Skill - fast hedgehog
Sonic runs through the enemy , dealing X damage.
Normal Damage :boom:

Green Skill - Blue blur
Sonic runs so fast he becomes invisible for 10 seconds , dealing X damage.
Normal Damage :boom:

Blue Skill - Electric surge
Sonic surges with electricity stunning the enemy
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:

Purple Skill - super sonic style
Sonic has a 20% chance of shielding allies with Electric surge!

Red Skill - best hedgehog
If sonic is below 10% of his max hp he’ll silence the closest enemy after which he heals for 50% of his max hp
Extra Boosts:

  • +X dodge
  • +Y Armor
  • +Z bonus healing on fast hedgehog

Friendship 1 - sonic/dash
Disk Name: speed trophy
Campaign Name: speedsters
Summary: sonic and dash compete in a track race to see whos fastest.
Allies: go go, shank, violet
Stat Boosts: +X Skill Power
Star Effect: When fully upgraded, fast hedgehog has a 30% chance of charming the enemy he hits.

Friendship #2 - sonic/Wasabi
Disk Name: speedy smart
Campaign Name: science of speed
Summary: sonic helps Wasabi with his science project by letting him test his speed.
Allies: hero, gadget, Dr doofenshmirtz
Stat Boosts: +Armor, +Reflect, +Reality
Star Effect: When fully upgraded blue blur lasts longer.

I did this one because sonic and mines birthday are both in June this one is probably my favorite

Sonic is from Sega not Disney

it says I can make any concept even if it’s not disney

That’s why it says “Unlikely”. :man_facepalming:

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