Spiderman and Mysterio Character Concept (unlikely to happen)


Role: Control
“A superhero is just an ordinary person who has found a better way to mask their human frailties.”


Comes down from the ceiling and drops down
Defeat: Aunt May calls him and he swings away

White Skill:
“Can’t you be quite for a sec”
Spiderman wraps his enemies with webs and stuns them for 8s

Green Skill:
“Why so close!”
Spiderman shoots his web Knocking back and dealing fantastic damage to all enemies

Blue Skill:
“With great powers comes great responsibility”
If Spiderman’s health drops below 50% he gains 200% attack speed

Purple Skill:
“Spidey Sense”
If Spiderman’s health drops below 25% he Dodges every attack for 12s and heals himself

°Spiderman and Hiro Hamada
+“Can’t you be quite for a sec” now reduce enemies health for 4s
(1star:5% health. 5star:25% health)
Story:as Hiro and Spiderman were being nerds they see tons of creeps ruining the college, so both of them decided to poop the party.

°Ducky, Bunny and Spiderman
+Skill power
+“Spidey Sense” now grants Spiderman’s basic damage to do fantastic damage
(1-4star: fantastic damage. 5star: true damage)
Story: As they were hanging out they see some creeps bring terror so, they were ready to go infinity and your mom.


Role: Support
“You dare call Mysterio a magician? Fool! Mysterio is no mere illusionist playing parlor tricks! Mysterio is the master of the arcane arts!”

Entrance:Teleports into the battlefield
Defeat:points to his enemies and makes a fist while teleporting away

White Skill:
“Stay out of this”
Mysterio will shoot lasers to all enemies until his energy reaches zero and will also apply a shield to all his Allies.

Green Skill:
“You fool!”
Mysterio summons a large ball of magic which deals normal damage to close enemies

Blue Skill:
If Mysterio and his Allies takes a critical hit, he heals his Allies

Purple Skill:
“I’m Mysterio!”
If Mysterio dies, All Allies heals for 12s

°Mysterio and Maleficent:
+Skill power
+"বোকা"now increase Allies skill power
(1-4star: to his Allies. 5star: everyone)

°Mysterio and Spiderman:
+“You fool!” Now stuns enemies
(1star: 2s. 5star: 10s)

You know that belongs to the Unlikely character concept


Yea but it would be weird because I legit just did Spider-Man yesterday and Mysterio today so… yea it supposed to be in unlikely but I legit just did both characters :cry:

But they’re kinda different I did the MCU versions

Marvel is owned by Disney but that doesn’t make the Marvel characters related to Disney.

??? I put mine in unlikely characters also Spider-Man isn’t owned by Disney he’s owned by Sony so is All Spidey Characters so they’re super unlikely that’s why I put mine in Unlikely wait how is mysterio support he only has one support skill and that’s blue

Not bad concepts,but the disks need to be redone. Spidey hiro disk would be pointless since the enemies are already stunned. Spidey D&B disk would be useless, since it needs an additional buff other than changing damage type. Mysterio mal disk should increase allies’ skill power by 20% per star, that way it’s evenly distributed. What about enemy teams in campaign with more than 5 allies?Mysterious spidey disk is fine though.

How is he Support?

I fixed the problem with Mysterio,I hope you are satisfied.

I fixed the disks of Mysterio and Spiderman, if there’s still any problems pls tell me.

They still make no sense. Just make mysterio maleficent disk have a 20% affect per star like sulley woody disk. Spider-Man ducky&bunny disk needs to include a 5% attack speed increase per star and remove true damage. Hiro disk, I’m not sure why you’d reduce their hp for 4 seconds.

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