Stamina cost to level toons

Over 300 million stamina to go from E7 to E9?
Thats just ridiculous! It’s to the point only whales can compete in this game.
Just makes me sad, been playing for over 5 years, now I just do my dailies and go.


Well, it seems you are talking about Emerald, and that is the highest ranking. TBH, I would have expected more stamina required. Also, did you call the DHBM Heroes “Toons?” I think you are mixed up with Looney Toons World of Mayhem.

Toons is short for cartoons, and Looney Tunes is spelled completely differently.
Plus that game sucks, imo.

Looney Tunes World of Mayhem doesn’t suck.

That is just your opinion!

Imo, in my opinion.

I capped myself at E5 and it was a good decision. Currently going through my entire roster to get everyone at E5 and I’m about 2/3 there or so. It’s a relief to have a set goal instead of picking a couple of heroes to keep at max while neglecting everyone else.

I not agree. I was a so called whale. Yesterday i couldnt even upgrade 1 line of wardef from e10 to e11… (was always maxed all heroes till e5)…

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