Stamina Delivery Bug, Being Ignored by Support

I was raiding the campaign (Raid 1) and hit level 44. The screen showed current stam +70 but when I closed the notification I still only had 1 stam total. I submitted a support ticket and was brushed off, being told “oh you were raiding so you must have used it.”

I have spent real money on this game- and have now wasted a good 15-20 minutes describing and reporting this problem. The least you guys could do is adjust my account instead of just assuming I must have used it.


I don’t know exactly what went on, but did you use some stamina packs or something else to give yourself energy?

Or was it energy that were supposed to come from the level up?

I can say that I have problems leveling up my characters so I do know there are bugs in the game, so could be a bug I suppose, or the Internet connection failing a bit. It is at the very least weird that you got that kind of problem.

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When you raid you lose stamina. Raid’s aren’t free, just ways to skip the whole battle

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I think the op knows that, lol, what they are describing does indeed sound like a bug. I’ve managed to spend my whole level-up bonus in the course of a raid 10 before, but a raid 1 wouldn’t consume that much.

If you don’t have any luck with support, I’m not sure what you can do :frowning: though I can ‘reassure’ you that in the grand scheme of things, the 70 disappeared stamina is pretty insignificant


Well it does make a difference during fortify the network event. And besides, lost stamina is lost stamina.
Assuming this is true, somebody in support is lazy.


Right but its 6 Stam per… I leveled after a single (Raid 1) then closed the level up screen and still had 1 Stam…

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This is true, regarding the overall significance. Thanks for the perspective :+1:

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My connection might have been spotty, thats always a possibility… But shouldn’t the server report and correct? If not, that would mean stam is client-side and could be potentially manipulated if not subject to server checks? Can’t determine the plausibility, definitely something to keep an eye on…


2 things:

  • Pretty sure the “Fortify the Network” contest no longer exists
  • Support won’t respond on Saturdays or Sundays all day and don’t respond after 5 PM CT
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I’m not worried about the contest points, just want my Stamina. Also, I sent this to support at 11p EST yesterday night (Friday) and received the support follow-up today (Saturday) around 1p EST


If it is a normal disconnect I think the game usually do notify us and I assume correct itself, but if it is a bugged disconnect I am not sure.

I can say that I have a problem with that when I try to level up my characters my game sort of crash Internet wise I suppose, since as if I try to do any online battling it just stops and says loading or try to gather rewards from the Mailbox I usually don’t actually receive them and have to close and reopen the game again to actually claim those rewards. I think it also bug when I try to claim my free 60 EXP bonus and might not actually register when I go to the campaign.

Been a while since I really had to wrestle with those problems so I don’t 100% remember, these days I know not to do anything else than try to level up and then close the game again and reopen it to try and level more.

I don’t know if you are in an similar situation of some sort even though I think it isn’t exactly like this as you were just leveling up rather than trying to level up characters, but it reminded me a bit and thought I mention it as it is so something about if it is that the game bugged like I had there. Likely something else, but yeah it could be the case of that something caused the stamina from the level up not to be properly counted and as such kind of disappeared.

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Lol one is going on right now. They just threw in a small way to get more points because of the toy story event going on. It just isn’t named FtN.
An event by any other name (and slightly altered scoring)…

Umm the Toy Story event has more ways to get points. The “Fortify the Network” contest only lets you gain points by spending gems and stamina

I guess we just got lucky these two times, as we had the Anniversary and the new movie release. Pretty sure the regular FTN will return soon.

Did you read my post? That is exactly what I said.

But you said it is still like Fortify the Network contest just because it has some things surrounding its elements but it will likely bot come since we haven’t had that contest in like 8-12 weeks

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