Stamina regeneration rate and cap increase

During the last update, the stamina regeneration rate and stamina caps were increased (I think doubled, right?), but the badge bit drop rates were cut in half. It used to take me 50k stamina to get 5K badge bits. The same amount of stamina yields half that amount. A good analogy would be doubling the amount of bread in a loaf while doubling the price of a loaf of bread. The price per pound is the same. Nothing has changed in the game regarding stamina usage. I thought this last update was supposed to help us? It didn’t do anything. If anything, it made it worse.

I know PerBlue is first and foremost a business, but you don’t make changes to make it a more enjoyable game anymore. You only make changes that would mean you can make more money. Going forward, I’m not buying anymore deals, unless things change. The game is no longer what it used to be.

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I don’t mean to defend them - the stamina we get is still not really enough.
But I think you missed something. :sweat_smile:

There was a double drops event going on when the update dropped, so badge costs were halved at that point. The actual cost/drop rate is the same now as before the update


But how often will there be double drops? Every day? Every other day? Probably not even twice a week. If I have to use a double drop backpack to actually help out, they missed an opportunity to help us and incentivize us to keep playing AND buy more deals. Now, I’m incentivized to buy more deals but not to keep playing.

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Nothing has changed regarding the use of backpacks to get double campaign drops :thinking: :man_shrugging:

I’m not sure what the grievance here is?


Around once a week usually. Occasionally twice in a week

And yes the amount is better but as I said, still quite lacking…
It’s a start though, they said they’ll keep monitoring it so maybe we’ll get another increase, who knows

Honestly it’d already be a lot better if double drops were the base drops - and so the current double drops would be a ×4 compared to what it is like now


The grievance isn’t about double drops. It’s about the update that changed stamina regeneration, stamina caps, and badge bit drop rates. The whole point of the update was the amount of stamina needed to promote heroes was increasing with every rank while our stamina growth was not increasing. They increased our stamina growth, but halved the drop rates. So now we’re back to our original problem. Nothing has changed.

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It didnt change badge bit drop rates, you probably have activated a double drop item or such event was going on

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