Stan from gravity falls

So I will really like Stan from gravity falls. In also I’m going to give you reason to why add Stan from gravity into the game. First Stan will be in trial yellow. In will you will be able to get him in the sign in. Also Stan will be a one star character. In his friends will be Dipper in Mabel, in his second friend is Dr. Facilier. Okay now I’m going to tell you guys Stan white skill, his green skill, his blue skill, his purple skill and his lost skill which is call the red. Okay so one more thing when I send it you tell me if he should be in the game or not. So let get stared on Stan skills. So his white skill is call Stan. So Stan dose this. At the beginning at each wave Stan throw dust at the player blinding than for 5 second. his green one is call crazy Stan. Stan get in his car in drive though all the players dealing 7685 damage to all players. His blue one is call Stan punch. Stan get out one of his hands in punch the closest players stuns then for 5 second this has a chance to fail against creep above level 21. His purple one is call Stan get up Stan heal when he punch a player. His purple one is call Stan crazy car. Now the car can blind this has a chance to fail against creep above level 121 tell me what you thing about Stan

Again, here’s something that can help with your concepts here.

And your in the wrong section. Again.

Yes please change it to the Hero concepts section.

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