Stars Wars Concepts: Emperor Palpatine

Disclaimer: Some abilities are inspired by Star Wars Battlefront II

Emperor Palpatine

Stars: :star2:
Quote: “Good, Good… Let The Hate Flow!”
Position: Midline
Role: Control
Team: Red
Entrance: Palpatine stands up from out of his throne
Defeat: Palpatine’s fingers spark, and then he makes an angry expression.
Basic attack: Palpatine uses his force lightning to shock the nearest enemy.

White Skill: Aura of Hate
:sparkle: - Fantastic Damage
Passive: Palpatine can’t be charmed

Active: Palpatine laughs maniacally, scaring every enemy and dealing X damage over 8 seconds.

tenor (2)

Green Skill: Chain Lightning
:sparkle: - Fantastic Damage
Palpatine shocks the front most enemy, which sends a chain of electricity through the enemy team dealing X Damage
If Megavolt is on your team, this applies one stack of Charged to each enemy.

Blue Skill: Stun Shock
:sparkle: - Fantastic Damage
Palpatine charges up a big bolt of electricity and unleashes it all on the enemy with the most health, dealing X damage and stunning them for 13 seconds.

Purple Skill - Sith Lord
Palpatine has a 50% chance to dodge disables
When palpatine dodges a disable, he gains +X max health and basic damage for the rest of the wave.
Charms don’t count towards this skill.

Red Skill - Do It
When an ally has dealt at least X damage to enemies, their basic attacks deal True Damage for 6 seconds.
Stat boosts

Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader
“A Sith’s Duty”
Increases Scare duration by 20% for each star
Allies: Robin Hood, Hades, Buzz Lightyear
Emperor Palpatine and Mickey Mouse
“Compassion Contest”
Stun Shock consumes all stacks of charged for 0.2 extra stun duration per charged per star.
Allies - Megavolt, Oogie Boogie, Rafiki.

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  • Obi Wan Kenobi
  • Han Solo
  • Count Dooku

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