State of the Game: September 2021

Could I submit it for the Q and A or would I likely get the similar answer from the higher-ups as well?

Say, Server 5 is similar to Server 18 and 19 in the number of players. But does not get a merge? Why? Is it because Server 1 and Server 2 still have a lot of players and therefore there is no server that the 5 can be merged with? Or is it some other cause? :man_shrugging:

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You can ask in the Q&A.

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I just asked if it would have a different outcome. If the answer was “Most likely no.” I would not bother.

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You will most likely get a more detailed version, but it will still be that it’s based on data. That is why I said you can ask in the Q&A.

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Okey, because we do run some form of “data” ourselves on Discord, that´s why we ask.

Also, the forums show me that I can PM you, Loutre? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I thought forumers could not by normal means.

PMs are turned off for me so must just be an error on Discourse.

The “data” you run on Discord would not give the same or even nearly as accurate information as our internal data since you would not have access to that.

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Wouldn´t… how? We just look at the rankings during contests as… those are the most active people. Yes, I can admit, they are not the most “spending” people so to say.

Yes, that is not going to give the same information that we would pull internally. Just looking at ranking during contests would not give accurate information.

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Isn´t the contest actively measuring stuff? I mean, it refreshes in real time and… FtN contests are especially accurate since I don´t know a single person to withhold diamonds and stamina during the entire contest. That just makes no sense, unless there are some outlying players that play, say once a week or once a fortnight.

Also, you don´t really know how we measure it to say… We know “Top 1%” actually doesn´t end with the last 1% player of the playerbase. :wink:

Just because you don’t know a single person doesn’t mean they do not exist. Again, we have more accurate internal data to look at these things that players would not have any way to see. Any “data” you have by just looking at contest ranks will not be very accurate to the actual data that we have on our end.

I do not have anymore to discuss on this though without getting too detailed.


One thing without being too detailed… are the contest data an undertaker or an overachiever? Aka the real data are lower or higher than what we assume :thinking: ? Does not have to be detailed, just up or down.

As a suggestion. Invasion needs a little bit of a revamp. More invasion tiers, better rewards and a REVIVE all button to make things faster and easier for those that are making it past 1 million points in invasion, especially in S24! We suffer without the better rewards that older servers get. On top of that, supply us with better IAP deals and diamond deals. The ones we have been getting lately have been subpar for the level that most of the players are.

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Rewards scaling you mean. Definitely!

That and Raid 10 bots button.

Yeah, this combination is forbidden. By the team themselves, actually.

Please publish Ratigan … We have been waiting for it for 2 years.

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Ratigan was never confirmed or datamined :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, who’s “we”?


We…HAVE been waiting for Ratigan…right?


Not me, I didn’t watch The Great Mouse Detective.

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Apparently, you haven’t lived. It the best one of the Dark Age. And Ratigan is likely this month because it’s almost Halloween and that means…


:jack_o_lantern: :jack_o_lantern:


laughs in 2020

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last year that didn’t happen

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