Suggested upgrade to game

To give a little more variation to the game, my suggestions

  1. Bonus or negative combat to teams. If attacking character in same team i.e. both red or both blue then -5% damage, opposite teams, +5% damage.

  2. Give each character one of 6 elemental classes. Fire, earth, air, water, time, magic put in a circle fire across from water, earth from fire etc
    If attacking water with a water base -10% damage, attacking direct opposite +10%, attack elements directly next to yours -5%, attacking elements next to your opposite +5%.

In addition to that possibly opposite attacks negate effect. Frozen enemy gets hit with fire, melts ice, reverse ice attack puts out continued burning.

This will give more variety to useful characters and possibly open up more varied used instead of everyone just going to Elsa and Olaf, maybe Hades and mierda might be a better attack or defense.


We aren’t playing Pokémon here. To have to go back and assign and program a class to the 50-60 heroes already in the game would be a pain.

Your first suggestion actually sounds somewhat similar to collections.


Since I have never played Pokemon, I don’t get the point.

As far as reprogramming, adding an additional single stat id from 1 to 6 doesn’t sound too hard. I am not a programmer so I don’t know.

I just thought it might give some variation to the game. Unlike the the new buffs that give a general bonus to tanks or healers. This would be spending on your opponent. It just seems wrong that Olaf gets the same damage from a cold attack and freezes the same way that a non cold based creature would. And when mierda does a fire arrow onna frozen person, that might effectively help negate the freeze.

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