So I was thinking the other day you know when you max your characters to five stars but still have badges left over what if you can trade them with other users now herlar me out this how I would do it
The character whose discs your trading has to be maxed out so you can only trade that character if they are 5 *
Equal trade meaning if someone is trading 5 Jack Jack discs they can only get 5 of another person’s
You can decide whether to make the trade open or closed open means anyone can trade with you closer means only friends or guild mages can trade with you
I would place at the bean stock in the game home screen make it like a back and the beanstalk user market place
We could also look into buying the tokens as well from the users but I think trading would be a better idea since we can already buy tokens in the regular shops
I honestly think this would help eliminate all the extra discs people have for characters who are maxed and will add an extra level into the game