So either I am misreading this or the Sulley & Boo (“Sulley”) red skill is not working properly. The second and third paragraphs of the red skill read as follows:
- “If Sulley heals over his or an ally’s max HP with Healing Laughter, that extra HP is converted to a shield that lasts 12 seconds.”
- “The shield has a chance to fail on allies above level [x]”.
I read this as saying that the shield never fails if healing above his own HP level. So if no damage has been done to him and he uses the healing laughter he should get a shield… right? Well that is not what is happening. This screenshot shows Sulley up against Belle. An auto Belle starts by reading for a few seconds, so initially she does not attack. The screenshot is 6 seconds into fight. You can see that Sulley has just used healing laughter (no shield appears and none appeared afterwards), you can also see that Belle almost has a full energy bar from reading (she is about to kick his but).
I could understand the shield failing on team members (my red skill level is 14 so chance to fail on level 134 and above)… but surely it is not supposed to fail on himself… otherwise you would always need the skill to be maxed out to avoid failing on himself (which would be a bit weak).
Just seems a little weak to me.